
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

This is an extension of my 3-axis surface milling video

Views: 609


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Comment by WT4 on August 22, 2009 at 9:24am
Hi Matthew

I wrote a small visual basic program that continuously updates the contents of a file at an interval of aroung 0.05 sec. The parameter that goes from 0 to 1. I then use the Read file component (new feature in the latest version) to read in the contents of this file. this gets activated everytime the file is updated. The parameter 0 to 1 relates to the normalised position of the mahining line, ie 0=start, 1=end. The tool is then dispatched to the appropriate x,y,z location along the tool path line.

Comment by Matthew Spremulli on August 22, 2009 at 6:42am
Wow, very interesting work here. Congratulations on getting 5-axis movements in your definition. I am curious about the preview animation, how did you get that to work? I am trying to make my own G-Code writer for a specific machine and it would be great if I could run simulations.

Is there anyway you could share some of your definition and methods?

Any help would be great.






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