boundary proximity remeshingphotoboundary proximity remeshing39 LikesMarching Cubes: wrapping breps as wellphotoMarching Cubes: wrapping breps as well55 Likesreciprocal structurephotoreciprocal structure16 Likes
December 2013
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Conformal map via circle packingphotoConformal map via circle packing47 Likes3D to 2Dphoto3D to 2D8 LikesStanford Bunny-PlanarphotoStanford Bunny-Planar8 LikesVariational Shape Aproximation and Planar Re…photoVariational Shape Aproximation and Planar Re…18 LikesWorm (WIP) overviewvideoWorm (WIP) overview32 LikesMedial PackingvideoMedial Packing22 Likes