
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm about to start on an architectural project, where weaving will be used as a strategy to produce a facade. The type of weaving that'll be used is triaxial weaving.

I've managed to physical tests on triaxial weaving, but I've not managed to do digital ones. I know that Grasshopper is fully capable of producing this, unfortunately I'm not that good with Grasshopper.

I was wondering if any of you could share a Grasshopper definition on triaxial weaving. It would also be good if I could apply this weaving definition to a surface (that would represent a facade). Also, being able to control the openings of the triaxial weave non-uniformly.

I really hope that someone can help me with this, I'm in dire need of help, as I don't know myself how to generate this weave in Grasshopper.

Thank you in advance


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Comment by Morgan Rohla on July 23, 2022 at 5:58am

Triaxial weaves are made by weaving three different materials, such as cotton or polyester yarns, in layers. The layers are then twisted together in a way that makes the warp, or long threads, stronger than the weft or short threads.For all my day to days tasks, I was worried then I came to know about vacation planner which made quite easy to organize my tasks. The result is a high-tech weave that is both strong and lightweight. It can be used to make clothes for people with delicate skin or for those who want to be able to move around freely without feeling restricted by their garments.

Comment by Morgan Rohla on July 14, 2022 at 6:53am

The first thing you will notice about triaxial woven fabrics is how strong they are compared with other types of fabrics out there today. This is because they have been made using an advanced technique called triaxial weaving which makes them very strong and durable when compared with other types of woven materials available today. Some use psilocybe azurescens dried for medical purposes. The second reason why we think that triaxial woven fabrics should be used in place of other types of woven materials is that they can be made into anything you want them to be.

Comment by Morgan Rohla on June 4, 2022 at 4:40am

Triaxial weaving is a type of fabric construction in which yarns are woven together at three different angles. This gives the fabric a high degree of stability and makes it ideal for use in products that require a high degree of dimensional stability such as upholstery carpeting and automotive fabrics. Triaxial weaving is also used to create fabric with a high degree of stretches such as spandex or Lycra. Visiting the webpage has proved excellent for me and helped me to prepare myself nicely before annual exams.

Comment by MillieJordon on May 20, 2022 at 10:37pm

Triaxial weaving is a kind of weaving that was not very common in the past, but now it has become more popular. This type of weaving has several advantages. Triaxial weaving is a kind of weaving that was not very common in the past, but now it has become more popular. This type of weaving has several advantages. Well, as a student I would like to visit website in order to know how I could travel the world to explore the nature around the world.

Comment by click on June 13, 2019 at 3:15am

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Comment by RWNB on January 17, 2012 at 8:41am
Comment by Ivor Ip on January 8, 2012 at 11:17am

Have you taken a look at Zubin Khabazi's tutorial on weaving?

If you take a surface, find the center points of the small triangles of the pattern, draw circles normal to that point then subdivide the curve onto three segments then you get three points where the weave intersect.

Once you have the 3 points of the triangle, you can break it down into three sets of point locations on the surface. So the branches of points would be [+A,-B], [+A,-C],[+C,-B], connect those sets of points to whichever way you like.

Comment by Jonah Hawk on January 8, 2012 at 10:13am
First off simplify the problem. Try breaking this down to a UV mapping exercise or a paneling exercise if you are more comfortable with that. Find the smallest single rectalinear form that will tile perfectly in rows and columns. Then map it to the UV space of a surface or to the polygons of a quad mesh.





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