
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Tong Zi Dan is a series of generatively designed vases made from dental gypsum.

The initial egg design gets randomly populated by a cloud of points which form the center for surfaces that trim the shape perpendicular to its curvature. A generative algorithm (Galapagos) is then used to create the area of all faces within a certain min/max range. Finally the faces are unrolled and laid onto a flat sheet to allow the production of the mold with a laser cutter.

In our experiment the gypsum gets enhanced with thermochromic pigments in one mixture and phosphorescent in another. It is then poured into the sealed molds and pivoted for a few minutes until the gypsum solidifies. The process is repeated for two more times to ensure a minimum wall thickness

After the mixture has dried the vases can be removed from their enclosing molds. Since thermochromic pigments are heat sensitive, they change their color in response to a rise in temperature. The previously blue vase turns to white, the gypsum's base color, when exposed to a fan heater.

Another interesting effect is generated by the phosphorescent pigments. During daylight the vase looks normal, but in darkness it starts to glow and create a different atmosphere.

The objects were produced during the CAAD Wahlfach Praxis Course Chinaware, co-taught by Knut Brunier. The shapes were designed together with Knut Brunier and produced with the help of Tom Roberts.

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Comment by MillieJordon on June 5, 2022 at 12:07am

The idea behind Tong Zi Dan is that the vases are generatively designed. So they’re not made by human hands but by algorithms. They have different shapes and sizes depending on the algorithm that was used. And there are different finishes like matte, glossy or transparent — all depending on what kind of algorithm was used.Dental gypsum is a material used for making molds for dentures. I have decided to visit website now to read examples of essays before doing my own essay about that topic.

Comment by AmelieAtkins on February 18, 2022 at 3:44pm

Tong Zi Dan, literally translated as “Boy Eggs” in English, are a traditional Chinese delicacy. These eggs are boiled for hours with wood ash and lime. The alkaline water raises the pH level of the eggs and changes the consistency of the egg white from liquid to jelly, while darkening the egg yolk from yellow to a rusty brown color. I am glad that you sent me website where I can buy essays. These eggs are then seasoned with soy sauce, scallions and served warm.





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