algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Hey all!
Speckle is an easy way to share 3D grasshopper-generated snippets (as long as they can be converted to a mesh, hehe).
It's really easy to use (you plugin meshes in a component, you double click it - now wait a few seconds, depending on the size & internet connection speed - and you get a sharable link):
The online viewer is rather basic - for now. See some examples: or ;
I'm really curious what functionality you would see needed in the future (or do you need it at all?).
@yevgeny: Yep, in the works, for both of your feature requests. Expect great things :) be sure to join the group/leave your email up at to get the updates.
-A key feature would be a way to adjust the parameters on the browser.
-A way to receive data from the model. If the client approves a configuration.
On the TODO. Expect and update soon with support for points and curves, and some online viewer updates.
It is a fun and easy to use tool. It takes quite large meshes as well, very impressive.
It would be great if you could display mesh-colors derived from Grasshopper.
Yep, three.js FTW! Having fun now with adding embedding functionality. Unfortunately ning has a white list of embeddable iframes, and obviously speckle isn't on it (and probs won't be ever).
Nice! Good work. WebGL?
Thanks! One of the key motivations behind the little tool was to reduce the amount of wiring and complexity. You can't get lower than one component with one input :)
It is very amazing and fun! I like the clean web interface. Great work.
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