As part of an ongoing research on parametrics, this definition is our first attempt to understand the solution to an old problem in spatial structures.
What it does: from a set of curves (might be splines, straight lines or closed plines or splines) it generates a lofted surface, subdivides it into an U&V grid and constructs a spatial mesh.
Ok I downloaded the Tetra.Tesselation.07.ghx and it works fine. Thank you.
But now, I am confused with the file structure itself. There is so much in it, I do not know wich nodes and lines do I need to connect from the Rhino to Grasshopper?
Hi, Djordje,
I've corrected the Tetra.Tesselation.08.ghx and it now runs in GH 0.8.0003
Bear in mind that this is a pretty WIP definition, though!
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The remote name could not be resolved: ''
I am using Rhino 4.0 SR8, I tried to open your .gsx file using both Grasshopper 0.8 Revision 01 and 0.7 Revision 57, but in both cases I got the same upper message.
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