
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Project Kangaroo - Live 3D Physics for Rhino/Grasshopper

Project Kangaroo - Live 3D Physics for Rhino/Grasshopper from Daniel Piker on Vimeo.

Very early tests of my new project - a Physics engine working within Grasshopper and Rhino and allowing real-time interaction.

The intention is that the various types of form-finding and feedback this allows could inform and enable some new ways of designing structures.

It's mainly just particles, springs and gravity for now, but I'll be adding other force types, bending elements, different constraints, feedback options, muscles, etc. as time goes on.

Actual speed is slightly less than shown here, but I'm working on various ways of optimising this.

Big thanks to Giulio Piacentino for his help in getting the live update part of the script working, to Moritz Fleischmann for helpful discussions, and to David Rutten for making it possible.

I'd like to hear anybody's ideas - What might you imagine using this for ? What features would you like to be included ?

I'm developing this independently at the moment - get in touch if you're interested in discussing sponsorship or licensing.

EDIT 03/04/10 - free beta download now available :

Views: 7045


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Comment by Gregory Epps on January 15, 2010 at 6:28am
Hey Dan, this is great - would go well with Tomohiro's rigid origami; could end up with virtual paper...
Comment by Andrea Graziano on January 14, 2010 at 2:01pm
as usual .... great!
Comment by paul hackett on January 14, 2010 at 3:56am
Does this mean we finally have the possibility of work with constraints within GH? Structures, origami, urban rules..., and also physics will be solved. Awesome, that´s what GH need.
Comment by Tomohiro Tachi on January 13, 2010 at 8:08am
This is exactly what we wanted!
So, is this working purely on grasshopper, or is it a new plugin that collaborate with grasshopper?

I mean, I thought we need feedback feature in grasshopper to achieve this, was this wrong?
Comment by Sivakumar Thangavelu on January 13, 2010 at 6:44am
hi daniel, looks amazing. but did you come across 'genr8' which the mit people made for maya.. i have been looking for such a plugin for rhino, for applying genetic algorithm techniques for form breeding in a simulated environment. i am presently doing my architectural thesis on that. if you have any comments, it would help me. thanks.
Comment by Tudor Cosmatu on January 12, 2010 at 7:25pm
Hi daniel,

looks amazing! can't wait to play around with it.
Comment by MARIO VERGARA on January 12, 2010 at 6:39pm
This is fantastic!!!!!!....I really looking forward to test Kangaroo!!!
I have worked with reactor, but this looks very interesting.
Keep the good work!!!





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