
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

PhylloMachine is a set of scripts/UserObject for Grasshopper to model plants using some properties of phyllotaxis.

The basic idea is that a mesh with phyllotaxis proportions has a topology described by two Fibonacci numbers, and its topology (indices of vertices of faces, parastichies spirals, cycles and topological neighbors) is described by simple number sequences without geometric calculation.
Thanks to these, it can be modeled parametrically plant organs such as branches, leaves or petals, with very nature-like results.

PhylloMachine continues to be a work in progress, it's written in VisualBasic and it is open source. Released under the GNU 3.0 license. A million thanks to Pieter Segeren for much help polishing this plugin. I encourage all interested to continue to develop this plugin, more information at the end of the documentation.


The download file includes sample files, a tutorial and documentation. For questions or suggestions, please use the group.


Enjoy it! ツ

Daniel Abalde

Views: 2368


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Comment by acreblade on January 15, 2018 at 5:57am

The phyllosurface component gives me the error "1. Error (BC30456): 'DuplicateNakedEdgeCurves' is not a member of 'Rhino.Geometry.Brep'. (line 190)", and does not produce any meshes. Is there anything I can do to correct this?

Comment by Daniel González Abalde on May 30, 2015 at 3:29am

Thanks guys! I am also glad to have published. I hope to see the designs created with him! :)
Internally almost all components follow the same pattern: fill lists, frames, radii, points, mesh. There are some strange formulas, probably are to calculate the index of a number of the Fibonacci series or to calculate the number of the Fibonacci series from the index. Sorry for not adding more messages to describe parts of the code, were days of burning keyboard. But before trying to understand the code, I think you have to explode/test the component on canvas, almost all parameters enable a value, a list of values, or a list of values out of range (interpolated values)... Also, I think all (or almost all) of the components can be made with native components of gh, whether it might be very useful to try first to learn so that you'll encounter in code.

Comment by emlplsn on May 29, 2015 at 6:30pm

Very cool. Big ups for letting it be open source. Right now it seems like magic to me, but I'm looking forward to take a glimpse inside, understanding the logics. Any tips on resources about the subject?

Comment by djordje on May 29, 2015 at 4:49pm

Great plugin Dani! Glad it finally got released.

Comment by Christian Schmidts on May 29, 2015 at 4:41pm

btw yesterday I saw a talk by Christa Sommerer and they made interactive installations with computer generated plants back in 1992.

It was amazing and depressing at the same time :D

Comment by Christian Schmidts on May 29, 2015 at 4:32pm

Really keen to see what you guys cooked on this amazing topic!

Comment by jozze on May 29, 2015 at 3:45pm

bravo Dani!





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