
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Options to integrate the uses of ladybug and karamba

Ladybug will give me a max height of wind speed on ten meter (about 33Ft). Therefore, I may not able to take wind speed for force as calculation to future optimization.
However, it will provide information on wind direction during a year for each month.

Diamond Grip from my paneling mass will first analyze its deflection with Karamba. 

On the wind load caculation, the change of wind directional force can change the deflection displacement at the result.
For optimization analysis, the change of mass parameter and its deformation will minimize displacement caculation from wind direction force and deflection displacement.

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Comment by djordje on June 2, 2015 at 1:25pm

Hi Situ,

I think this might be a misunderstanding with "windSpeed_tenMeters", input which was added lately. This input requires "windSpeed" data from "Import epw" Ladybug component.
This wind speed data is measured in most cases on an open terrain (like airports), at height of 10 meters above ground. This 10 meters data is then used to create a wind boundary profile, up to any height above the ground.
So by using "WindBoundaryProfile" component you can calculate a wind speed at any height. Use "windProfileHeight_" input to set the maximal profile height, and "distBetweenVec_" input to set the increment values at which you want to check the wind speed.

Please let me know if this does not help.

Comment by Situ on June 2, 2015 at 12:53pm

Hi djordje

         not sure yet, it was process work. But ladybug doesn't take response to wind speed higher than 10 meters from the horizon. Therefore, more data requires for this

Comment by djordje on June 1, 2015 at 3:11am

Hi Situ,

Very interesting project!
I wonder why you may not be able to take wind speed for force as calculation for future optimization?

Comment by Igor Mitrić Lavovski on May 11, 2015 at 11:24am






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