
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Music Pavilion - Salzburg Biennale 2011

The primary design intent for the art pavilion was to create a recognizable presence for contemporary productions in Salzburg, a city that is predominantly known for classical music. The main user of the pavilion is the Salzburg Biennale, a festival for contemporary music.

A 2-meter long aluminum profile is arrayed to create oscillating spatial effects. The single sticks merge into a mass-like structure that changes its appearance during the day according to different light conditions. The speculative intention behind the “obliteration” of the pavilions structure is to prevent any conventional notion or cliché of “construction”. Instead the pavilion should appear arbitrary to invite visitors to invent their own associations and interpretations.

To realize these conceptual ideas, conventional methods are not feasible. Contradiction of regularity and irregularity and interaction of single elements that perform together as a complex whole cannot be reconciled in a straight forward process.

For the development of the structure a parametric model was built in GH. As all connections between the members are generated automatically, the structural evaluation can be parametrical done in Karamba. Random values control the angle of each member, the model is optimized with Galapagos.

The pavilion is currently in fabrication process and will be erected for the first time in March.


Architect: soma, Vienna

 Structural Design and Engineering: Bollinger Grohmann Schneider, Vienna


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Comment by Akira Koch on November 28, 2023 at 4:51am

Mariachi en Salt Lake City reaches new heights with Mariachi Guzmán! Their performance is a perfect harmony of experience and youthful exuberance, delivering the best Mexican serenade in the region. The live show's musical quality is unparalleled, and the staff's professionalism adds a touch of elegance. Mariachi Guzmán is the undisputed choice for a memorable and authentic experience in Salt Lake City!

Comment by Karamba3D on February 24, 2011 at 4:34am

the project and its development will be presented next week in London at the adaptive architecture conference:


Adaptive Design of a temporary pavilion for the Salzburg Biennale,Stefan Rutzinger and Kristina Schinegger, soma / Moritz Heimrath and Arne Hofmann, Bollinger Grohmann Schneider ZTGmbH, Austria


see you!





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