
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Molteni arc table by Foster + Partners using Kangaroo v2

Thanks Daniel for your suggestions in my first post here!

The radial mesh has the advantage of being able to control the two different spring tensions in the mesh. If I use one spring type for the entire surface, the relaxed net pulls together a lot which unfortunately is not that aesthetically pleasing. Thats why I opted for two separate spring components in my original post.

I´ve had a go at your starting topology suggestion last night. I generated it by writing a program which performs a recursive bisection algorithm on any wanted polygon. Separated as a component should actually work on any convex polygon. Indeed a good exercise! :) I got around the above problem by setting the spring rest length to the minimum spring length in the mesh. This way the resulting relaxed grid gets the uniform structure like in Brady´s Blog. He actually had a tick box for "uniform cable length".

The result now looks a lot more like the product! To get started do the following:

a) Define the polygon and the wanted level of subdivision (do not go above 6 iterations as it will likely crash kangaroo)

b) Start the relaxation in kangaroo

c) Pull every second vertex to the desired height by moving the slider in the group "Separate bottom and top vertices"

d) enjoy it unfold :)



Views: 819


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Comment by Rafat Ahmed on December 13, 2014 at 9:43am

its Great one, Thanks for sharing Lady.

Comment by nardo chai on November 21, 2014 at 8:34pm

Wow.Thanks for sharing with us.





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