
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

From virtuality model to reality for a maze bowl : 

After some encouragements in August 2016, I decided in December 2016 to made a real Maze Bowl similar to this one

Here is the steps I had to get through in order to make it for real. 

I began with a simple revolution form

This surface is then meshed with Meshmachine from Daniel Piker.

This mesh is used to generate 2 maze paths

which are thickened using (not exactly the same indeed)

These new meshes are now smoothed using Catmull&Clarck Subdivision from Giulo Piacento

Then in order to unroll the mesh, all inner points are suppressed.  I tested Meshmachine and MeshMixer, but I finished by doing a special script in order to do that. Mesh are spaced accordingly to the thickness that is planned to be used.

Lines are added and will be used to add the hole for rivets.

These lines and these 2 meshes are the unrolled. I made a new script to take into account the mesh but also the holes (lines), so I get a contour and hole center for rivets, screws ... Contour of mesh is smoothed with splines. 

Theses curves are then nested (by hands) and saved with a SVG export I did for Rhino

As I haven't access to a laser cut I had some difficulties finding the good laser cut, the good material and the good size.

Online seems to be good but size is limited, SVG must have some very special features (very very thin lines widths) and I didn't find the interface to control the scale of what I send. But has the advantage of the number of materials available. 

I instead choose SCULPTEO, they are specialized in 3d printing but they began laser cutting some months ago. I wanted some flexible plastic but I finished with 2 mm grey solid cardboard 780 x 580 mm. I choose aluminium rivets 3.2 mm x 8 mm (thickness of plastic from 3.5 to 5 mm)

My SVG export worked well, I didn't send the numbering in order to lower the cost, bad idea because I finished by doing it by hand. Less than a week after I went to Sculpteo.  I get this. After making my bowl I discover that I mirrored the bowl! 

After 98 rivets I am there, still 80 rivets to add and after that I paint it. 

Here a comparison between the 3d model and the real painted and riveted bowl. This bowl has a diameter of ~30.5 cm and a height of 7 cm.  

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Comment by Laurent DELRIEU on October 14, 2018 at 2:41am

Hello Alex, no I keep the definition for me. But most of the script I used were published on this site. The only one not published is the suppression of inner points of the mesh. So it is possible to replicate the work. 

Comment by Alex Hans on October 13, 2018 at 11:52am

Fantastic! Could you post the definition for this?

Comment by Laurent DELRIEU on June 12, 2018 at 1:45am


as you can see on 5th and 6th image I suppress all inner points of the mesh and then I use my own mesh unroller. It is quite simple to implement. You begin by putting on the plane a face and then you continu for faces that touch the faces already on the plane ...

Comment by Hiroki Okamoto on June 11, 2018 at 1:58am

Dear Laurent Delrieu 

Good work!

How did u unroll mesh?

Comment by ng5 Alex on December 29, 2016 at 9:37pm


Comment by Laurent DELRIEU on December 29, 2016 at 4:41pm


Comment by Mohamed Naeim on December 29, 2016 at 3:32pm

Great job!

Comment by Siemen on December 28, 2016 at 1:17am


Comment by Laurent DELRIEU on December 25, 2016 at 10:57am
Pour les trous cela m'inquiétait mais au final le matériau est presque assez souple, il y a quand même quelques zones où il y a des bosses. Mais j ai finit par mettre tous les rivets sans soucis. Avant de riveter il faut avoir plusieurs rivets positionnes à côté de celui à riveter.Ce serait mieux en aluminium déjà peint où plastique souple. Mais il est difficile au niveau découpe laser de tout avoir la couleur la taille le prix ... Mais je voulais un matériau assez épais pour bien vérifier que ma technique est bonne. La je commence la peinture à la bombe mais j ai du déménager de la maison ! Pb de poussière.... je ne suis pas un pro de çette technique.
Je poste quand c est fini.
La taille 31 cm en diamètre et 5 cm de hauteur. Une coupe à fruits un peu piquante pour les fruits, la belle face est extérieure.
Comment by ludo on December 25, 2016 at 9:54am

super travail, tu passes de virtuel au reel.

Pas de pb de connexions ? tout les trous tombe en face les uns de autres ?

quelle est la taille ?

Encore bravo !!





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