
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I developed a GH definition that works as Jess Maertterer's Math plug-in.
So it creates surfaces starting from their parametric equations.

I'm glad that yesterday I presented my work to Jess at Rome, at the end of his lecture, and he did appreciate it!

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Comment by Jon Mirtschin on February 11, 2010 at 3:38am
Hey Armido,

Sure, I agree with the desire, and hopefully it gets to that level. I think Grasshopper is a brilliant tool for enabling "programming" for many users in an easier platform . To my mind, there is always likely to be a level of abstraction for many sophisticated or complex parts though. Areas such as managing the reuse of advanced solutions (ie if you need to update or correct later and you have many components in many files) might be difficult to solve, but there might be means and ways. Of course completing these tasks as learning examples etc also offer many other benefits.


Comment by miradoc on February 11, 2010 at 12:51am
Thanks, Jon. I'll try it ASA I got a chance. My intention was however to explore in GH a visual way of doing the same things you do in plug-ins. Maybe it's just a naif wish, and more complex tasks will be impossible to perform, but, being unable to write even the simplest line of code, for me and many others this could be a means of automating some routine tasks. I am sure this was originally David intention too. Ciao
Comment by Jon Mirtschin on February 10, 2010 at 9:38pm
For Miradoc,

Generating screw threads (at least if needed accurately) is intensive. There was a discussion/request for this on the Rhino newsgroup nearly a year ago. I added this functionality to my plug-in, you do need paitience. You can try it out (but you need the free trial license), download from the StructDrawRhino plug-in. Any comments/suggestions for improvements will be considered.
Comment by congming zhong on February 10, 2010 at 6:24pm
Thanks for your sharing! But i'm thinking of a contrary question,say, how to get the parametric equations based on a surface drafted in Rhino! Do you have any idea about this?
Comment by miradoc on February 9, 2010 at 2:37am
For Stefano and Carlo.
Several days ago on the Italian Rhino NG Claudio Albi requested something which I thought to be ideal for GH. Here is the original request and my comment: "esiste un modo rapido, script o comandi in sequenza, per disegnare il filetto di una vite ad esempio impostando passo e diametro?" (Claudio Albi), "Aggiungerei Lunghezza filetto, Lunghezza totale, Tipo di vite. Mi sembra un progetto ideale per GrassHopper. Chi vuole cimentarsi?" (Armido Cremaschi).
Since then nobody took the challenge. I hope you guys will do it, since this may be usefull to a lot of people. Ciao
Comment by Carlo Beltracchi on February 8, 2010 at 4:59am
Ciao Stefano,
good work!
Please look at this one:

Comment by Torolf Sauermann on February 7, 2010 at 5:14am
many thanks, here also a good example of parametric models

Comment by stefano andreani on February 7, 2010 at 3:22am
Thank you guys for your interest!

I've tried my definition with several surfaces and it seems to work pretty well!
So here's the algorithm. I actually share more definitions cause each contains pre-set equations, that is every def corresponds to one surface. But it's essentially just one algorithm.

Try it out with different surfaces and if something goes wrong just let me know.

Have fun!
Comment by stefano andreani on February 7, 2010 at 3:21am
Comment by stefano andreani on February 7, 2010 at 3:21am





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