
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Please see my Kickstarter project: Chrysalis

It's an open source translator to publish fully parametric grasshopper models to the web using processing!

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Comment by Chris Chalmers on November 4, 2011 at 3:33pm
Hi Philip
Of course there is limited overlap: not everything in grasshopper extends to processing, and not everything processing does is implementable in GH! I'm focused on those things that can be done in both, which is quite a lot. Yes it will be open source, especially because I'm hoping people will expand on it as they have with both GH and processing do far.
Comment by Philipp on November 4, 2011 at 10:16am

just wondering if everithing is possible to recompilate to processing code? 

will it be open source, btw?

Comment by Chris Chalmers on October 31, 2011 at 6:50pm

Hi Nay

It's not developed yet so I can't show a video, but chrysalis would start with a button inside grasshoper, probably on a component that you pull down onto the canvas. That button would start a process by which the XML of the gh file would be mapped to lines of code in a processing sketch (Generative components actually does something similar to this internally with c# code). We would allow for certain defaults in how the sliders are mapped (probably controlP5) and also the camera and 3D environment (probably peasycam or OCD) so the resulting sketch would work at a basic level. Then the user would go in and make fine adjustments including any additional interface features that grasshopper just doesn't do (because the def is never intended to be the finished product). I dindn't want to dive too deep in the kickstarter pitch because its a wider audience but I appreciate the question and I welcome any and all questions or suggestions for this project. I'm also looking for people to help on the processing side - in case anyone out there is interested in collaborating!


Comment by Nay Soe on October 31, 2011 at 3:30pm

can you show a video of how to use chrysalis? i got lost between your gh script and your processing script. I don't know what happened in the middle, i assume it was chrysalis. But how do you use it? i'm really interested in this but, would like to know more of it's limits.





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