
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all,

Im having a little trouble, Lets say I have 3 lists(a,b,c) of 10 curves. How do I join these guys without destroying their order? What Im hoping to have is curve 1 in list a, join to curve 1 in list b and c so as to end up with 10 joined curves. I would have thought this to be automatic, yet it isn't....Im iterating these through a list of z vectors and their order makes no sense to me.

Any help would be welcome, it seems like a simple problem but I have no idea why its occuring...



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Comment by Vicente Soler on March 22, 2010 at 8:33am
You created a blog post instead of a new thread, this should probably belong in the general discussion.

In what form or shape are the 3 lists of curves? are they 3 different curve parameters or component outputs with 10 curves each or a single parameter/component output that contains 3 paths of 10 elements?

I'm guessing it's the former. If so, then just place a "graft tree" component after each list, then connect the 3 graft tree components to the join component.




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