
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Inspiration - Grasshopper as information tool

a very cool site of visualized information and images:

Visual Complexity

In terms of 'scripting' programs used, processing seems to be popular for these types of visualizations. But I think grasshopper would be a more accurate and methodological process of achieving these types of images?!

Any thoughts or examples?

Bake and illustrate! :]


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Comment by Stuart Fingerhut on February 17, 2010 at 2:08pm
maybe some of the stuff i'm doing for my thesis : have data collecting during sports competition drive visuals for the spectators:

will share more as developement continues...
Comment by jali on January 8, 2010 at 9:55am
Hey Yerko,

Really interesting stuff! :]

Did you come to any conclusion in your thesis regarding the sound intensities you mapped?
Comment by Yerko Lucic on January 8, 2010 at 7:03am
the ability to manage large data set of gh and using rhino as a (3d) vector drawing tool, was usefull for me to express the idea of "sound intensity" as a spatial-volume concept.......this basic image i did for my thesis project shows how an intensity (in dB) of a certain frequency (Hz) changes the radius of a sphere when you are close or far from the sound source.....

gh it really helped me to visualize sound intensity not as numeric data alone......

Comment by jali on January 7, 2010 at 12:34pm
speaking in mapping terms, i feel it makes all the difference being able to graphically move data when constructing a map/diagram/data image.

Rather than creating a script of a map [processing], it's a map of a map! :D
Comment by Jon Malkovich on January 7, 2010 at 12:18pm
why do you say gh would be accurate and methodological? in what processing is not?





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