We are three architecture students from design studio 10 at the University of Westminster London. We have been fortunate enough to receive partial funding from the black rock city honoraria to each bring a pavilion to life at this years burning man festival however to make these projects a reality we still need help. Over the past two years our design studio has successfully built three projects at the festival.
We are in the process of raising additional funds to help pay for materials and fabrication costs along with transport and logistics. We have started our own crowd funding campaign and would be extremely grateful if you would share this with your group, friends and family to help us get the word out to other burners.

https://ssl.gstatic.com/ui/v1/icons/mail/images/cleardot.gif" class="CToWUd" />
If you have any questions about the project please contact us directly and we will look forward to sharing our ideas with you,
Many Thanks
Tobias Power, Jon Leung and Lorna Jackson
Design Studio 10 - University of Westminster
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