
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How to merge a Hexagonal pattern with a Voronoi pattern?



I am working on a facade pattern definition, and I could use some help, as I, frankly, don't know what I am doing.

I am after a facade pattern which is a blend between hexagons and voronoi. Basically, let's say we have a square surface, I want this square surface to be of hexagons at the left part and gradually these hexagons transform into voronoi at the right part of the square surface. So, I want a gradual change.

Now, I want to use this definition in conjunction with attractor point.


To the left of the image, there's a hexagonal pattern with an attractor point, to the right, it's the same hexagonal pattern but distorted. How do I blend these two? 


Here, I manually tried to merge the two different geometries, just to give you an idea of what I am trying to achieve. You can still see that there is a seam where the geometries meat, which is not desirable. I want gradual change between the two different patterns.

Thank you






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Comment by Ola Jaensson on April 7, 2011 at 10:07am



One suggestion:

Create a HexGrid and distort the point output according to taste before feeding it to the voronoi component.

If undistorted, the HexGrid centerpoints will recreate the hexgrid when fed to the voronoi component.

Or did I misunderstand your question?






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