
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

dear readers,

firstly, i would like to thank you all for such great support on this site. i have learned a lot over the last few years of dabbling with grasshopper thank to you guys (however, i'm still technically a uber newbie)

i am currently working on this mosque project and it requires me to create an inner leaf of a double curved roof structure that is composed of little semi/quarter domes (sadly i don't know what they are called). like this:

bits on the right is the horrible state of what the definition is trying to do now.

i started off fumbling around and am now at a stage where i could move a single rebuilt isocurve (so that it can have as many kinks as i want) up and down or move the set of triangles (in pic) up along the z axis. i also grabbed the sort points definition from somewhere on this site and found that the triangle lines (which are single lines grabbed from the manual sequence) sorted themselves into a 0,1,0,1,0,1,0... sequence.

the manual process goes through this sequence:

extract isocurves from surface as different intervals

squish lines with surface into flat plane

manually draw triangles that connect between intervals

squishback to get coordinates

redraw line(s) between triangles

redraw triangles (both done so that they connect)

rebuild the triangles into 3 control points

move each isocurve interval + middle control point of connecting triangle sides up by an amount

repeat sequence for different rows of isocurves, so that it creates a tiered effect

repeat surface from 3 curves command until hands go sore.

i could live with manually doing the first 7 steps, but moving the middle control points as well as the surface from 3 curves command takes quite a lot of time, especially if i wanted something more dense and intricate.

the end result is meant to sort of evoke this but on a doubly curved surface.

if anyone could provide some advice as to how to automate any of the processes (ideally all of them!) i would be eternally grateful.


i have attached the rhino and ghx files here (v4)(0.8)


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Comment by tang li qun on August 30, 2012 at 5:28am

thank you for pointing out! and yes they so totally are awe inspiring! haha.. 

Comment by Luis Fraguada on August 26, 2012 at 3:34pm

they are called muqarnas if I am not mistaken, and their geometry is quite studied.

Googling 'Muqarnas Geometry' results in an overwhelming amount of webpages on the subject.  Here is one describing a sort of classification of muqarna types:

Perhaps looking at how people have classified this geometry will help to tease out a logic you can implement in GH.  Good luck, I personally find these domes awe inspiring!





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