
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Would you please send me the good web links for GrassHopper SDK development resources? I am not talking about VB  or C sharp dot net internal components(GH Scripting), but about how to deal with the global situation from GH SDK with Rhino.  I really need to have small demo on Grasshopper SDK  development.

I mean, which library I will need to call and will it be a Rhino SDK. I am developing Rhino SDK and SDK for Autodesk products for last couple of years. But never did GH SDK , so please help me as if you are guiding a real beginner. Where to start with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and where can I get the libraries?

For Rhino SDK, normally we have plugin wizerd.



Views: 4129


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Comment by Giulio Piacentino on February 9, 2012 at 2:12am

Hi Sama,

I managed to make a video and published this post some time ago. It goes through the steps to make a .gha file in VS 2008. It should not be very different in VS 2010.


- Giulio

Comment by Sama on February 7, 2012 at 1:35pm

Hi David,

I do apologies deeply that I did post the question in wrong place. But I was expacting reply.

Many thanks for the clue. It is a big help.



Comment by David Rutten on February 6, 2012 at 4:23pm

Hi Sama,

apologies for not answering this earlier, I somehow missed this post. I think some of the questions are answered by topics in the Grasshopper SDK help file. It's a bit outdated and needs a review, but the basic information is correct. All the libraries you need for component development are installed along with Grasshopper, you don't need to get anything extra.

The Project Setup topics explain how to create a new GHA file in VS 2008 for both VB and C# and the Examples section has some from-the-ground-up component code.

Are you getting stuck at a specific point?


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia





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