
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Here is a Screen Shot for my Geodesic Dome Script. It only provides the correct number of line segments and points to create a 2nd order (ICOSAHEDRON Face edges divided by 2, yielding 3 line segments, yielding 10 triangles). There is NO Visual basic plugin. That is 61 points and 165 line segments, I created a second script to create connectors that interlock with pipes. I plan to combine the two scripts soon. The idea is to create connectors with makerbots to create kits,

This dome was NOT created by rotations, rotations do not yield perfect segments, meaning they have small inperfections in length. This script gives three lengths, and only three lengths. This precision means it can be scaled to any size assuming the materiality wasn't a factor.

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Comment by AmelieAtkins on June 26, 2020 at 3:22am

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Comment by Alemeh Afzali on January 5, 2016 at 9:13am

hi, could u plz upload the script file?


Comment by Anastasia on October 31, 2011 at 7:14am

This is also similar to what i would like to do? does anyone still have the script for it?

Comment by M K YIT on January 21, 2011 at 6:46am

Hi Josh,

This is similar to what I like to do, do you have the script for it?

Appreciated if you can send the link.



Comment by Joseph Settipani on November 4, 2010 at 6:22am
Do you have an application for the geodesic dome script? If it academic that's cool. But I was wondering if your end goal is to develop a product. Anyways, a while back I was wondering how to build the Geodesic Structure for disaster relief structures. I came across this interesting connection method...I am not 100% sure it has not been fully developed. Check it out , Lobel Frames





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