
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

The experiment investigates generative processes for Isopotential Maps.
Considering a surface as input (it will be assumed as basic field) and a series of "n" attractors the GH definition will individuate a series of curves which describe the field of forces operating on the area.

The definition, developed in cooperation with Andrea Graziano, allows to manipulate "n" attractors as a sort of electric charges. You can decide the charge's value (positive or negative) and eventually invert it during the process.
Ispotential curves are extracted by the intersection between a series of planes and the surface emerged by the field influence.

Here you can downolad the GH definition and a very simple Rhino file, to be used as first example:
MLP_Isopotential lines creator.3dm
MLP_Isopotential lines creator.ghx

Here you can see and image that describe the result of the generative process.

Matteo Lo Prete

Andrea Graziano

Views: 13931


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Comment by Dēmiurgos on September 17, 2015 at 2:18pm

@Jissi Choi, It would be great if you share de Def. Thanks a lot!

Comment by Danny Andrés Osorio Gaviria on November 28, 2012 at 5:18pm

Hi Mateo, I have a question...

I have the section curves in the end of the definition, how can I make a surface with this curves???...

Comment by RWNB on September 27, 2012 at 9:51am

hi jissi,

it would be nice, if you share the pict of your def.

thanks in advance.

Comment by Matteo Lo Prete on January 3, 2012 at 11:42pm

Thank you very much Jissi!

I checked my mail address and I didn't received your message. Could you please re-send it to ?

I will take a look to your work and it will be surely useful to better comprehend my mistake.

Thank you again.


Comment by Jissi Choi on January 3, 2012 at 1:32am


From your idea and definition..

I did a few modification.. for calculating approximate equipotential curves..



And Here is the definition..









the Vector Display shows a Electric Field Vectors..


Sadly, this comment line doesn't allow me to attach GH file..


I sent you it via Email..




Comment by Matteo Lo Prete on January 1, 2012 at 6:20pm

Hello Jissi, thank you for your feedback. Could you show me how to modify the GH definition in order to obtain a better result? I will appreciate it!

Best regards,


Comment by Jissi Choi on December 28, 2011 at 9:42pm

There is a big mistake here. Vectors from the negative particles are created in the opposite direction, but
at the last process only the lengths (which are always positive) of vectors are used.

So the result curves are just connections of points which have same length the vectors.

This is not the equipotential curves.

It is not considered at all of negative particles.

You can find easily that positive and negative particles (attractors) are on the same curve.

Comment by dani bas on February 1, 2011 at 12:07pm
Once you have the equipotential lines, how can you get the maximum variation lines (streamlines)?
Comment by Stuart Fingerhut on February 6, 2010 at 2:24pm
Comment by Matteo Lo Prete on January 18, 2010 at 5:16am
Thank you everybody!





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