Dates: 01.03.2012 to 28.06.2012
Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays
Schedule: 17:00 a 20:30 hores
Place: Escola Massana
C/Hospital, 56 08001 Barcelona
Metro: Liceu
Dates: 01.03.2012 al 28.06.2012
Dies: Dilluns i Dijous
Horari: 17:00 a 20:30 hores
Lloc: Escola Massana
C/Hospital, 56 08001 Barcelona
Metro: Liceu
Duration: 105 hours
Credits UAB: 7
Price: 652,5e+100e registration
Pre-enrollment: 20.1-30.1
Enrollment: 9.2-18.2
Duració: 105 hores
Crèdits UAB: 7
Preu: 652,5€+100€ d’inscripció
Preinscripció: 20.1-30.1
Matricula: 9.2-18.2
Pep Tornabell
Digital fabrication researcher
Investigador en fabricacio digital
Enrique Soriano
Material geometry researcher
Investigador en geometria de materials
Application of the digital design and fabrication techniques through tools (software) and technologies (hardware) with the goal to provide an introduction of those tools within the creative and executive process of the different design and arts fields.
The course starts from a generic technical and theoretical explanation, focusing on the development of a personal project which
will explore the student specific field.
Aplicacio de les tecniques de disseny i fabricacio digital a traves d eines (software) i tecnologies (hardware) amb l objectiu de facilitar la introduccio d aquestes eines dins dels processos creatius i executius dels diferents camps de l arquitectura i el disseny.
El curs parteix d un desplegament teoric i tecnic generic, per acabar centrant-se en el desenvolupament d un projecte personal que explori la disciplina concreta del estudiant.
Students and professionals from fields
-technical (Architecture, Engineering)
-artistical (Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Fashion design, Comunication Design, Jewlery)
-Applied arts (Sculpture, Painting, Printmaking)
Estudiants i professionals provinents de disciplines
-tecniques (Arquitectura, Enginyeria)
-arts aplicades (Disseny Grafic, Disseny Industrial, Disseny de moda, Comunicacio Audiovisual, Joiera)
-belles arts (Escultura, Pintura, Gravat)
In the new technological paradigm, adapting the new fabrication tools (hardware+software) to the mastership of a subject or field, enables the expansion of possibilities, the control, the complexity and the richness of the generation and fabrication process.
En el nou paradigma tecnologic, adaptar les noves eines de fabricacio (hardware+software) al mestratge d una disciplina o ofici,
permet ampliar les possibilitats, el control, la complexitat i la riquesa del proces de generacio i fabricacio.
Each project will developp the material properties of its research( Paper, wood, metal, leather, felt, ceramic, textiles)
It will explore in parallel its numerical control:
-Cutter/Engraver (Laser or Mechanic)
-CNC milling machine (Numeric Control)
-FDM (Fused Depostion Modeling)
-SLS (Selective Laser Sintering)
Cada projecte desenvolupara les propietats del material que investigui (Paper, fusta, metall, cuir, feltre, ceramica, textils)
Explorara en paralel el control numeric:
-Talladora/Grabadora (Laser o mecanic)
-Fressadora CNC (Control Numeric)
-FDM (Fused Depostion Modeling)
-SLS (Selective Laser Sintering
Generative modelling (RhinocerosGrasshopper)
Material Behaviour (Processing)
Mesh refinament (MeshLab)
G-code (programacio maquines CNC)
Generative modelling (Rhinoceros Grasshopper)
Material Behaviour (Processing)
Mesh refinment (MeshLab)
G-code (Machine programming lenguage)
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