
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Generative Pattern Using Firfly, Audio Frequency Spectrum El Yamal

I am glad that I was able to adapt @Toni Österlund your definition and create something I wanted with it.

Design emerges from traditional folklore songs "El-Yamal" that fishermen sang before diving to fish and collect pearls, and when making fishing nets in the Arabian Gulf. Imagine these circle warp the entire facade of a building by the sea and is generated from their songs at the sea, El-Yamal.

Here is the video of the design emerging from the singing...

El Yamal, FireFly, Audio Frequency

Here is the out come with back lighting:

Views: 555


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Comment by taylor godiva on June 12, 2023 at 7:11pm

@Minesweeper Something happened, I can't see your video!

Comment by Bethany Bauch on February 28, 2020 at 3:18am

Unquestionably, you guys must have worked hard in order to create this fascinating Generative Pattern by using Firfly. I am totally overwhelmed to see the attractiveness of this wonderful pattern. For my projects, I prefer click to read what online writers recommend me to use in description then follow their guidelines to make my project easy to understand.




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