
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Hi everybody
I'm having some troubles subdividing a curve in a non uniform way. What I want to acheive is the best distribution of a fixed element on the curve with the possibility to rotate it affecting the spacing of the elements, (the lenght of the subdivisions)
As you can see in the definition uploaded, what i acheived for a straight line doesn't work for a curve where distance and curvature have to be somehow related to each other and all the subdivisions have to be different.
Can somebody suggest me a strategy to do that?
Thanks a lot


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Comment by fabrizioww on November 17, 2010 at 8:03am
Thanks a lot I didn't have the opportunity to look at my page for a long time, both the strategies seems very promising i'll let you know about the development.
Comment by Milan Domkář on November 6, 2010 at 3:58pm
Hi I think there are at least two possible strategies:
1.(dummy one) Divide and fill curve with as many boxes as it's possible no matter if they intersect each other. Then you just cull intersecting boxes.
2.Find right place for every box on the curve individually. Process will be as following: Placing first box, then moving point on curve until you reach unintersecting position for the next box. This is repeated until you reach End of the curve.

It is complicated because (as you have mentioned) you have to place every box individually and it seems that in both cases you will need to use at least small peace of VB/C# script to make it work...

I also see oportunity to use galapagos to find angle of box which leads to highest number of boxes on the curve.





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