
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Collaborative Cloud is an installation which investigates distributed and decentralized design and fabrication. The interface (in the link above)
allows you to design and give information to a piece of the cloud, thus
anyone can participate in the project's growth over the next 8 months. The physical construction will take place at the Disseny Hub Barcelona (DHUB) in an exhibition titled: LABORATORI DE FABRICACIÓ:Nous escenaris del disseny i la producció tridimensional.

The Collaborative Cloud is a project created by the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (, organized by the DHUB, and designed by Luis E. Fraguada, Victor Viña, Areti Markopoulou, and YOU! The project was designed using processing for the interface, and GH / Rhnoscript for geometry and population. Once a user submits a design, the interface outputs a data file as well as a PDF of the piece ready for fabrication. As the database grows, these files are matched with a potential position on the cloud.

NOTE: More than likely you will get a JAVA warning asking you to block potentially unsafe applets...this applet is safe, so say NO when prompted.
NOTE: Some screen resolutions cause the interface elements to shift (especially noted in Safari)

Views: 847


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Comment by Morgan Rohla on May 4, 2023 at 1:59am

Collaborative cloud project is a project that involves multiple individuals or teams working together to complete a task or achieve a common goal using cloud-based collaboration tools. You may visit this web-site for getting help. These tools can include cloud storage, file-sharing, project management, communication, and collaboration software. The use of cloud-based collaboration tools allows teams to work together on a project from different locations, and in some cases, from different time zones

Comment by Federico Escobar Salas on May 19, 2011 at 5:18pm

Hi Luis. I really liked this project, but I haven`t seen any results yet. Do you have any link where I might find some news about the project? Thanks!!


Comment by Gustav Fagerstrom on September 3, 2010 at 6:58am
Hi Luis!
Cool, the cloud is looking truly amazing! Hope all is going and has gone well, I understand you are running various exhibitions on this theme for several months at DHUB - will the SG stuff be added at some point btw? I might be coming down at some point during fall, so any advice is welcome of any especially good moment to do this. Take care /Gustav
Comment by Luis Fraguada on June 11, 2010 at 5:51am
Hey Gustav! Yes, I think we were looking at this back during Smart Geometry...I see you have contributed! Thank you very much! Here is your piece...we will look to incorporate it for the opening next week.

Take Care,
Comment by Gustav Fagerstrom on June 10, 2010 at 10:28am
Hey Luis!

Are those the polyhedra we looked briefly at in March? Great project, will make an effort to manage to contribute.
Comment by Luis Fraguada on June 9, 2010 at 6:00am

Hello Arthur,
Here is your piece! Thank you for checking it out and contributing!

The app was made in processing. From here, when you hit submit, the metadata from your design is saved to a database. The database has information on the materials, position of points, number of legs, etc. In Rhino/GH we match a potential node based on the information generated for the number and orientation of the legs. Once a match is found, the PDF file attached to your design is imported into Rhino, sorted into appropriate layers and groups, and then nested automatically. The online DB is for now dumped to an .ODS (OpenOffice Calc). For Rhino we read it rhough Rhinoscript, in GH through gHowl. I am working on a more direct connection from Rhino to the DB, but the priority now is to fabricate the pieces for the opening next week.
Again, thanks for checking it out!
Comment by Arthur Mamou-Mani on June 9, 2010 at 4:44am
That is brilliant guys, good job, great idea! I have just submitted mine :)
How did you do link the java applet with Rhino and Grasshopper?





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