
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Announcing the release of Local Code Grasshopper Tools

Today on we have posted several grasshopper components that aid in the workflow of multi-site grasshopper-driven solutions, (such as the Local Code: Real Estates project, seen below and also on The components released today allow the import and export of multiple rhino files/geometries, which can be manipulated by grasshopper definitions to respond to multiple inputs, and output multiple geometries.

The workflow is also covered by a series of tutorial videos, linked below.

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Comment by Ben Raines on February 11, 2013 at 4:56pm

What a great plug in. This has been super useful for moving from Rhino-Grasshopper into Autocad.

Recently though I upgraded to Rhino 5 final and it seems to be broken. The plug in 'results' ends with "129 File: C:Users\... ...has been successfully written", but the Rhino console isn't showing "File successfully written as C:\Users..." and no files are getting created.

Again, this worked great in the beta of rhino 5 but now fails in the final release.

Thanks for any help.

Comment by Balázs Hegedus on June 3, 2012 at 1:01am


An you tell me please, how is it  possible to export the contents of the workspace to a vetctor graphics program? I would like to use the bubbles the connection lines as illustration...

Thanks ,


Comment by phillip on October 14, 2011 at 9:49am

Hi Nicholas,

Great tool!

is there a way to create the export folder in case it is not existing yet?




Comment by Roland M on November 17, 2010 at 1:25am
Hi Benjamin,

"Roland: which Rhino.document data do you mean?"

From the Rhino Vbscript help file:
The Rhino SDK allows plug-in developers to store custom data inside of Rhino's 3DM file. This data is referred to as user data. There are two types of user data:

Document user data - custom data that is stored at the document level of the 3DM file.

Object user data - custom data that is attached to either an object's geometry or an object's attributes.

I don't know how important this is, I thought I'd throw it out there since there was this extra Vbscript method for storing data, most likely you looked at it already.


Comment by Miguel Vidal on November 15, 2010 at 9:02am
Hi Benjamin,

Thanks for your reply.

1- the colors are coloured individually and they all are in the same layer.

2- ok, I have set the same scale as default for all of them.

3- It is not exporting only the last item in a list, it exports only the items from the last i-nth loop. I am attaching a screenshot of my definition (I couldn´t post any file here) in case you can take it a look at it.

Comment by Benjamin Golder on November 13, 2010 at 10:54am
Hi Miguel,

In your first question, which color property is failing to export? Are the objects colored individually or by layer?

question 2: If you manually export to illustrator before you begin the automated export, you can set the options, and your settings should remain the same for the following exports. If you wanted the scale to be different for each export, then the component would not be able to do that. If you want each scale to be different, then you might need to make a script that changes the scale of the viewport before each export, I'm not sure.

question 3: When your script component feeds the "True" value to the export component, it should export only the geometry you are feeding it at that moment. If it is receiving a list, but only exporting the last item of the list, please send me the file so I can check for bugs, otherwise, it is possible that the scripting component is only outputting the last value when it gives the "True" value.
Comment by Miguel Vidal on November 13, 2010 at 8:56am
Hi Nicholas,

Congratulations for your work. It´s been very useful!
I am using the Local Code Export to export to both Illustrator(.AI) and Autocad(.dwg) and it works fine.

However, I would like to ask you several questions:

- when exporting to Illustrator, it doesn´t keep the color properties of the objects, which happens when exporting directly from Rhino

- is there a way to previously select the options for the export dialog window (like the scale in Illustrator) to make it automatic? I am exporting a big ammount of files! :-)

- I am using a script component to select a bunch of curves from different layers connected to the local code export. Every time the selection loop ends gives a return "true" to the "export?" input to export those curves but it only exports the last value of the loop.

Thanks in advance!
Comment by Benjamin Golder on November 8, 2010 at 1:27pm
@Roland: which Rhino.document data do you mean?
We are planning to release a plugin soon that will allow you to import GIS files and access attributes for each object. We made the User Text component in anticipation of this.
Comment by Roland M on November 5, 2010 at 12:40pm
Hi Nicholas,

Thanks for sharing the import export components. I noticed a component to get Rhino object information will there be an plans to get Rhino.document data as well? I guess this would be easy enough using custom vbscript comoponet but I thought it might ne nice to have one powerful get information component in your suite of tools.
Thanks for your hard work on this.
Comment by Philipp on November 5, 2010 at 12:39pm





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