
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Adaptive recursive subdivision of surfaces based on maximum subsurface-patch areas

This is a very simple definition that subdivides a surface, then subdivides some of the resulting subsurfaces again, based on whether they're larger than a given size, than does it again.
Though there's (alas) no real recursion in GH yet, at least not without scripting, it's not that hard to set up a group in such a way that it's easy to copy/paste/reconnect and do a sort of manual recursion for a few cycles, which is sometimes enough.

This was done as part of a class I'm teaching using GH, at Universidad Católica de Chile. Link.

2nd version that takes into account curvature as well as area:

Views: 1909


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Comment by MillieJordon on October 15, 2022 at 11:44pm

The problem of adaptive recursive subdivision of surfaces based on maximum subsurface-patch areas is considered. The concept of surface patch is introduced and applied to a general case. You have to check for writer who will assist in your essay. By using the concept of surface patch and some basic properties of the minimum spanning tree, we are able to determine the number of subdomains, which will be necessary for an adaptive recursive subdivision algorithm. Finally, an example is given to show how this algorithm works.

Comment by Greg on May 3, 2010 at 2:04pm
I've had luck doing the same sort of manual recursion in Processing: copying & re-naming a function (in this case with a number of geometric primitives translated in their own coordinate system), then calling the copy from the original function. As you said, Rodrigo, even a few generations of this generates fairly complex forms...
Comment by Andrea Graziano on May 1, 2010 at 7:52pm
Interesting solution Rodrigo!




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