
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Well...this summer I have been busy with my thesis research (which I keep updated in, and some results that might of the interest of Grasshopper community have been made.

I wanted to share here but I will briefly explain what this is about without entering into much detail.


FEM (Finite Element Method) is a quite popular engineering tool that for some reason results quite obscure to grasp but still everyone utilizes in common engineering practice.

As it plays some important part in my Phd thesis, I am interested in making it more accessible to anyone (included myself), and as surely by trying to explain I will gain much more hindsight..well...let's see...:)


What I have developed here with VB for Grasshopper is an elementary Finite Element component (for simple 3d beams) that provides a global rigidity matrix. This matrix is afterwards processed and "expanded" by means of a Lagrange Multipliers expansion that can later be introduced in a LUPD linear algebra solver (LU Decomposition with Pivoting...yes, I know the initials don't match, but ask the literature about it..)

The real advantage of explaining all this methodology by means of Grasshopper's visual interface is that the whole system can be seen at a glance. For research and didactic purposes this is unvaluable in my opinion.


Here is the attached file with the definition and some sample structure:

This can perfectly be utilized as an initial toy program to understand and see the "mechanics" of the whole FEM.

I invite anyone interested into further developing functionalities like selecting the data from the drawing instead of hardtyping in a .txt file, applying the displacement results into a a different set of lines, etc.


Well, have fun!

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Comment by Rabindranath Andujar on October 9, 2011 at 5:32pm

Hi David (and everyone else),

My apologies but the definition posted was from an old version (of the code, not Grasshopper), so nothing could be of real use actually.

Please feel free to get it now...the sample has three files included with the definition of node coordinates, applied forces, and constraints among the nodes (yes, the beams are thought of as constraints to the relative displacement between nodes).

I'm very sorry for the mistake...thanks for reading!!

Comment by David Shook on October 9, 2011 at 3:17pm

Can you post an example?  What version of GH is the written for?

Thanks for sharing.

Comment by Ángel Linares on October 6, 2011 at 2:46am
Nice work and thanks for sharing! :)
Comment by Tuan N. Tran on October 5, 2011 at 9:37pm
thanks for sharing!





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