algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Well... as part of learning is also showing and discussing, I have uploaded this chunk of code that actually works.
It came out from the idea of developing an example where the theoretical capabilities of programming with Visual Studio/SharpDevelop over the VB/C# IDE provided in GH would become somewhat more obvious.
However, in this very example the result is quite the opposite, as the imported references (one thing that is not possible to do using the VB component), are not exposed by the OpenOffice SDK so one has to develop using just abstract objects and find their properties digging in the web.
If the program of choice would have been Excel probably it would have made more sense, but in the other hand Excel is not Open Source so it is worth the effort.
The resulting component is a very rudimentary GH-OOff connector. It takes a path to the .ods file (P) and the name of the range (Rg) where data is contained. Then it delivers a list of points (Pt) where the X coordinate is the data and Y and Z are null, along with a list containing the data (DL).
Here is the code, just copy-paste it into a newly configured Visual Studio (either Express or Standard)/SharpDevelop project, within the default .vb file or wherever you have defined a new class and build it into a .gha library (see here how if you dont know yet) contains the Visual Studio 2010 solution, with all the files and configurations needed for my computer (particularly check that I have customized the building routes, so you should do the same as explained in the tutorials).
You can open and build it either in Visual Studio or with SharpDevelop (available here).
Imports Grasshopper.Kernel
Public Class GHComponent
Inherits GH_Component
Public OpenOffice As Object
Public StarDesktop As Object
Public OOoIntrospection As Object
Public OOoDisp As Object
Public Const OOo_connectKO = "OpenOffice connection is impossible"
Public Const OOo_serviceKO = "Impossible to create service : "
Private Const OOoErrorN = 2000
Public Sub New()
MyBase.New("GH-OpenOffice", "GH-OO", "Connects with OpenOffice Calc", "I/O", "OpenOffice")
End Sub
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ComponentGuid As System.Guid
'Don't copy this GUID, make a new one
Return New Guid("b09e21a9-0432-46d8-b7f8-514c2464de4f")
End Get
End Property
Protected Overrides Sub RegisterInputParams(ByVal pManager As Grasshopper.Kernel.GH_Component.GH_InputParamManager)
pManager.Register_StringParam("File path", "P", "Path to .ods file")
pManager.Register_StringParam("Range", "Rg", "Cell Range")
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub RegisterOutputParams(ByVal pManager As Grasshopper.Kernel.GH_Component.GH_OutputParamManager)
pManager.Register_DoubleParam("Data", "DL", "List with obtained data")
pManager.Register_PointParam("Punto", "Pt", "Punto en dato")
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub SolveInstance(ByVal DA As Grasshopper.Kernel.IGH_DataAccess)
Dim OOData As New List(Of Double)
Dim Rg As String = ""
Dim Path As String = ""
Dim Puntos As New List(Of Rhino.Geometry.Point3d)
Dim Punto As Rhino.Geometry.Point3d
'Collect the input parameters
DA.GetData(0, Path)
DA.GetData(1, Rg)
'Because the OpenOffice interface reads the file paths in URL format, we have to adapt
'just in case
Path.Replace("/", "\")
'Conect OpenOffice starts all the checkings to make sure the OO service happens
'Calcconnexion inserts the data extracted from the file in Path at the indicated
'range Rg into the list OOData
CalcConnexion(OOData, Path, Rg)
'In this example we make the coordinates of a point out of the data from the OpenOffice range.
'Unfortunately, making 2D list input parameters is not so straightforward in Grasshopper and
'attempting to create a series of coordinates out of a 3columns x NumberOfRows is quite tricky...
For i = 0 To OOData.Count - 1
Punto = New Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(OOData(i), 0, 0)
Next i
'Put the collected data into the ouput parameters
DA.SetDataList(0, OOData)
DA.SetDataList(1, Puntos)
'And close the services that link to OpenOffice
End Sub
Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property Icon As System.Drawing.Bitmap
Return My.Resources.OOffice
End Get
End Property
Sub ConnectOpenOffice()
If IsOpenOfficeConnected() Then Exit Sub
OpenOffice = CreateObject("")
OpenOffice = Nothing
End Try
If isNullEmpty(OpenOffice) Then
Err.Raise(vbObjectError + OOoErrorN, "OpenOffice", OOo_connectKO)
StarDesktop = CreateUnoService("")
OOoIntrospection = CreateUnoService("")
OOoDisp = CreateUnoService("")
End If
End Sub
Sub DisconnectOpenOffice(Optional ByVal closeOpenOffice As Boolean = False)
' release method inspired from
' this sequence tries to avoid error message R6025 from Visual C++ runtime
OOoIntrospection = Nothing
OOoDisp = Nothing
StarDesktop = Nothing
OpenOffice = Nothing
GC.Collect() ' force garbage collection
GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers() ' Wait for end of garbage collection before continuing
GC.Collect() ' second pass of cleaning
' here no variable should be pointing at an OpenOffice object
If closeOpenOffice Then
' reopen a connection only to close OpenOffice !
Dim ooo As Object, dtp As Object
ooo = CreateObject("")
dtp = ooo.createInstance("")
' this code may trigger error R6025 from C++ runtime
' this is avoided if you run the released code, not the debug code
dtp = Nothing
ooo = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Function IsOpenOfficeConnected() As Boolean
Dim DeskTopbis As Object
IsOpenOfficeConnected = False
If isNullEmpty(OpenOffice) Then Exit Function
DeskTopbis = OpenOffice.createInstance("")
DeskTopbis = Nothing
IsOpenOfficeConnected = True
OpenOffice = Nothing
End Try
End Function
Function isNullEmpty(ByVal thisVariant As Object) As Boolean
isNullEmpty = IsNothing(thisVariant) Or IsDBNull(thisVariant)
End Function
Function CreateUnoService(ByVal serviceName As String) As Object
' equivalent to OOoBasic function
Dim Result As Object
Result = OpenOffice.createInstance(serviceName)
If isNullEmpty(Result) Then
Err.Raise(vbObjectError + OOoErrorN, "OpenOffice", OOo_serviceKO & serviceName)
End If
CreateUnoService = Result
End Function
Sub CalcConnexion(ByVal OOData As List(Of Double), ByVal Path As String, ByVal Range As String)
Dim myDoc As Object
Dim firstSheet As Object
Dim m As Integer
Dim aRange As Object
Dim NumRows As Integer
'Here is where we connect and extract the data:
'myDoc is the file that comes from the provided path
myDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("file:///" & Path, "_default", 0, dummyArray)
'firstSheet is the first sheet of the workbook. If we wanted to get a different one just change the index
firstSheet = myDoc.Sheets.getByIndex(0)
'aRange represents the OpenOffice object of a range, that we make to be the one provided as string by the user
aRange = firstSheet.getCellRangeByName(Range)
'We can use the function getRows from OpenOffice to define the iterations over the range
NumRows = aRange.getrows().getcount()
'Note that in order to use the function getcellbyposition() the basis is zero, not one
For m = 0 To NumRows - 1
OOData.Add(aRange.getcellbyposition(0, m).value)
Next m
'The document gets closed after using it
End Sub
Function dummyArray() As Object
' creates an empty array for an empty list
Dim Result(-1) As Object
dummyArray = Result
End Function
End Class
Well..hope fully more to come in the near future!
A document-style connector component in Grasshopper, which you can use to make parametric connections between open office tables and grasshopper cells. It allows you to export geometry data from Grasshopper, and import it into the desired location. This component will enable you to export any type of geometry including points, curves, and surfaces, as well as parameters and attributes. Just saw some cool roses at article which I am gonna edit and modify with the help of Grasshoppper 3D.
Hi ryles!!
I think it is now fixed...the server might have some prejudices about .rar files.. :-\
I've made a .zip of the same and now it works...
Good luck!
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