
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I had to learn how works the gumball for another project, and took the opportunity to implement it in a gh component. A hand tool goes a bit against in a programming environment such as gh, but is useful for troubleshooting the "stiffness" of this environment. This component allows to use the gumball of Rhino in Grasshopper, at least some of its features.

Changes in the current version 0.0.2 | 26/01/2016.

- Fixed some bugs, fixed undo process.

- Implemented to work with datatree/branches.

- Added option for numeric actions. Ctrl + click on arrow/rotate/scale and set a numeric value (rotate in degrees).

- Added grid snap for arrows.

Please update the component and file. Let me know if you find some bug.

Note* By changing the part of serialization, you can find error messages when you open a file containing the previous version of the component, these transform data are considered lost.

The code is available on my github.

Enjoy it!


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Comment by christian davis on June 11, 2020 at 10:07am
Dude, this is revolutionary. I really want to learn gh but it's 100% different than just regular surface modeling. Incorporating the gumball helps people like me who have no idea what 98% of the things in gh do.
Comment by I Mike on March 7, 2016 at 9:27pm

HI! I really love this component, btw is it possible to have the grid snap function that can be done in Rhino interface? If it can do so, that will be great!

Comment by Martin Siegrist on February 2, 2016 at 8:43am

I noticed a 0.3 mm offset of the GH-gumball to its point symbol.

I also tried the numeric input which is amazing.

Alt+drag relocates the gumball, which would be ctrl+drag in rhino.

It would be more intuitive to use ctrl+drag in GH too. Any reason not to do so?

Comment by Martin Siegrist on February 2, 2016 at 2:13am

Hi, I think control click isn't ideal. That's what you usually do to re-align the gumball. Maybe alt click for numerical Input?


Comment by Martin Siegrist on January 19, 2016 at 11:28am

Please make it snap and enable numeric actions.

Comment by Daniel González Abalde on January 19, 2016 at 4:32am

That would be useful, but I can not. The change in gumball is reflected as the data type "Transform" (of rhinocommon), and the only type of gh transform (of grasshopper) which can be built with this data type is the generic. For example, grasshopper.kernel.types.Transforms.Translation (translation as Vector3d), can only be built with a vector, rather than transform.

Comment by Marios Tsiliakos on January 19, 2016 at 3:57am


heheh! True you can spit the compounded transformations.

Ok and another one. do you thing it would be useful to indicate the type of the individual transformations? Rather than reading the matrices?

Comment by Daniel González Abalde on January 19, 2016 at 3:47am

Thanks :D

You're right Marios, use this too often maybe it's a bad habit, and of course, this component comes without warranty of any kind. It is the responsibility of people use gh as it is intended to be used. This to me was an exercise rather than as a plugin.

I'm not sure of your question, refers to this?

Gh_transform can concatenate the transformations (which without that perhaps this component did not have much sense), and also can of course split the concatenation. If you want the step 3 (index 2), then choose the transformations 0, 1 and 2 and concatenate them. The file above (and the video, at end) has an example of this. If you mean something else, please let me know.

Oh damn, I just saw that the undo has stopped working, shit xD you meant that? Something I changed at the last time that it crashed, I will fix it soon.

Comment by Marios Tsiliakos on January 19, 2016 at 3:12am


Very useful tool. :)

However, I'm just so worried in the thought of people moving gumballs within definitions. Anything non numerical and somehow intuitive is dangerous. The transformation output is great in this sense. Would it be possible in the next build to record the steps of the transformation individually rather than a compound one? So one , could go back only a few steps/?

Comment by Andrew Heumann on January 19, 2016 at 12:49am

dude! this is awesome. nice work





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