
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Daniel Piker's Blog (28)

Kangaroo 2.41 - including beams and curvature continuity

The big new feature here is beams. This was one of the main motivations for adding 6 degree of freedom nodes, and something I've been meaning to include in Kangaroo for several years.

Before, with only 3 degree of freedom nodes, it was very hard to model bi-axial bending behaviour and torsion. Now, when each end of the…


Added by Daniel Piker on October 21, 2017 at 6:31pm — 9 Comments

Animated gif encoding within grasshopper

Despite the age of the format, gifs remain a popular and very widely supported way to share small animations. The slider animation function in Grasshopper makes it easy to turn definitions into a sequence of images, but until now you…


Added by Daniel Piker on March 24, 2016 at 12:00pm — 9 Comments

Kangaroo 2.0 - Now out of the pouch and available for testing!

A few days ago I uploaded the first public work-in-progress version of the new Kangaroo (

I'm really excited to share this new release - which makes Kangaroo significantly more powerful and flexible.…


Added by Daniel Piker on March 22, 2015 at 12:30pm — 19 Comments

Aether – simple speedy spatial fields for Grasshopper

Spatially varying fields, which associate a value (such as a number or a vector) to every point in space, have a wide range of applications.

I wanted a simple way of defining such a field in a Grasshopper script component as an…


Added by Daniel Piker on December 16, 2014 at 8:01am — 33 Comments

Kangaroo wins at 1st ALGODeQ competition

ALGODeQ is an international competition for algorithmic design programs, held for the first time this year.

There were 190 entries from 43 countries, judged by a large panel of professors and practitioners from around the world, in a multi-stage process.

The original intent of the organisers had been to award a single Grand-Prix, with an award of 1 million Yen, but during the judging process it was decided to award multiple highest prizes in 3 separate categories.

It is a… Continue

Added by Daniel Piker on November 4, 2014 at 1:18am — 46 Comments

MeshMachine update

A minor update to the remeshing component (read about the earlier release here)

This adds the option to also scale the triangle size by distance from the boundaries:

download this new version here:…


Added by Daniel Piker on June 9, 2014 at 4:30pm — 40 Comments

New collection of Kangaroo example files

I've updated the examples page for Kangaroo with a zip of over 80 definitions, organized by category, many with explanatory annotations, and covering several popular topics:

Hopefully this saves people some searching around, and makes learning to use it a little easier.

Added by Daniel Piker on April 29, 2014 at 5:19pm — 5 Comments

Dynamic remeshing - now with feature preservation, curvature adaptivity, and minimal surfaces

This will be incorporated into future releases of Kangaroo, but because it is so much fun to play with (not to mention useful!), I was excited to share this as a standalone component right now.

This is a tool for remeshing, as I first wrote about and demonstrated…


Added by Daniel Piker on April 22, 2014 at 11:00am — 53 Comments

New Kangaroo release

Lots of new features added. Read more about it here:

Added by Daniel Piker on December 12, 2013 at 7:55am — 3 Comments

Gear simulator

Inspired by a question about cams the other week, I've made a simple tool which can be used for simulating a range of different types of…


Added by Daniel Piker on December 5, 2013 at 11:30am — 14 Comments

Topologizer/Network CleanUp

To complement the recent Exoskeleton wireframe thickening tool by David Stasiuk and myself,

I am also sharing this component for cleaning up messy wireframes or line networks.

You provide it with any list of lines and it turns them into a clean directed graph or network.

So it :

-Snaps together nearby…


Added by Daniel Piker on December 22, 2012 at 2:36pm — 19 Comments

Introducing 'Exoskeleton' - A wireframe thickening tool

A collaborative effort by David Stasiuk and Daniel Piker, Exoskeleton brings simple wireframe thickening to Grasshopper. You input a network of lines, and it turns them into a solid

(without the heavy calculation of a Boolean intersection of many pipes and spheres).…


Added by Daniel Piker on December 21, 2012 at 12:13pm — 64 Comments

MeshMash - Dynamic Remeshing

I've just posted a new article about something I've been working on recently:

I'm quite excited about this step forward, as I think dynamically changing topology is going to open up a lot more possibilities for interesting ways of using relaxation/optimization.…


Added by Daniel Piker on September 20, 2012 at 8:23am — 7 Comments

Rheotomic surfaces and flowline generation tool

Around 3 years ago I wrote an essay on my blog about what I called rheotomic surfaces - a type of surface I had developed related to fluid flow and electrostatics, and a technique for their generation using complex numbers.

Since then I have received a lot…


Added by Daniel Piker on February 19, 2012 at 12:53pm — 57 Comments

New Kangaroo - mesh collisions and separate XYZ constraints

Hi all,

I'm putting this up for anyone who wants to test it out before I make it the main release on the Food4Rhino site. Let me know if it works and if not what errors you get.

This contains a fix for the Mesh Collision component, and also a new sort of Anchor where you can toggle separate booleans for constraint in x, y or z of a point.

(Also note that like the AnchorSpring component this connects to the ForceObjects input of the main Kangaroo component rather…


Added by Daniel Piker on December 31, 2011 at 3:13pm — 7 Comments

New Kangaroo, new forces, new tutorials

There's a new version of Kangaroo available :

It contains numerous new additions, described in more detail here:


Also - a while ago I taught a workshop using Kangaroo at Aarhus…


Added by Daniel Piker on November 30, 2011 at 3:00pm — 9 Comments

Metaballs in Kangaroo

A little test of metaballs / implicit surfaces in Kangaroo.

Because this is force based it is possible to generate a nicely structured mesh instead of the messy triangles from marching cubes (it's also fairly quick)


I plan to upload the new Kangaroo with this feature (and several other additions) in the next few…


Added by Daniel Piker on November 8, 2011 at 4:00pm — 8 Comments

Kangaroo updated for Grasshopper 0.8.0051

Version 0.066 of Kangaroo is now available:


This should now be compatible with Grasshopper 0.8.0051


One of the new additions is the hinge force, which allows you to control the angle between any pair of connected triangles (The angle is measured in the plane normal to their common edge, so you can control the direction)


If the rest angle…


Added by Daniel Piker on August 23, 2011 at 6:49pm — 5 Comments

Kangaroo 0.06 Now Available

Kangaroo 0.06 is now available from the food4rhino site


Many new features and bug fixes are included - Wind, Alignment, Shear, Anchorsprings, Planarize Ngons, Trails, Planarity measurement, Vortex, Constrain to…


Added by Daniel Piker on July 4, 2011 at 9:53am — 4 Comments

New Year, New Kangaroo


Many new features and improvements (including a manual).

Includes demos for inflation, wool threads bundling, self-organization, mesh planarization and…


Added by Daniel Piker on December 31, 2010 at 3:49pm — 12 Comments





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