algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Hello i've imported a complex surface from rhino into Gh and i would like to extract the control points (into Gh) and eventually move some of them (with a slider) to rearrange the shape of the surface.
Does anyone has any suggestion?
ContinueAdded by redberry on January 10, 2014 at 3:15am — No Comments
3d Modeling:
FreeCad - even though it can seem clunky at first, I prefer it to Autodesk123D.
STL generation, repair and editing:
NetFabb (free version) and MeshLab. Both have their strengths and complement each other.
Meshing (3D)
GMSH: relatively easy to generate a volumetric mesh inside a surface or around it with another surface of primitive as a domain.
Read more about how I use these tools here:…
ContinueAdded by Mihai Pruna on January 6, 2014 at 8:30pm — No Comments
I've been learning NetGen (an open source mesh generator) and NgSolve (finite element libraries closely linked to Netgen).There is still a lot to cover, I've just started. So far I've gotten them to work in a VC++ project. Well, ngsolve is acting weird, spewing out garbage characters on screen. But at leats it doesn't crash :)
Anyway, I got an idea.
ContinueAdded by Mihai Pruna on January 6, 2014 at 6:29am — No Comments
This open source sandbox type software would probably work well with Grasshopper and Kangaroo!
I used Golems to model robots for a First Technical Challenge competition.
Thank you,
Added by Mihai Pruna on January 5, 2014 at 4:48pm — No Comments
This article will take you through the steps necessary to create and deploy a simple Java game that can be played online.
Using the mouse you will move a white dot around a window, while a black dot will be chasing you. If the black dot gets near you, the game is over. The score is displayed and then the game resets.
To create this game we will use Processing, a developing environment that can generate Java…
Added by Mihai Pruna on January 5, 2014 at 4:36pm — No Comments
This blog will show how I create a program. I tried to put down the thought process as I wrote the code.
Scilab is a free scientific programming language / IDE / toolbox similar to Matlab. But free!
This Scilab program will calculate the shear forces distributed to a fastener pattern by a load in the same plan as the fasteners, but whose location can be…
ContinueAdded by Mihai Pruna on January 5, 2014 at 4:27pm — No Comments
Grasshopper has a great Delaunay/Voronoi tool. At some point, however, I felt like really understanding the algorithm and set out to make my own. The only thing I took in consideration was the basic principle of Delaunay triangulation, namely, as Wikipedia puts it: "a Delaunay triangulation for a set P of points in a plane is a triangulation DT(P) such that no point…
ContinueAdded by Mihai Pruna on January 5, 2014 at 4:20pm — No Comments
One of the neatest tricks for avoiding unnecessary 'for' or 'while' loops in your program is using a function recursively.
Engineers and Scientists without a computer science background usually rely on simple iterative techniques in their codes. But sometimes we end up with a bunch of nested loops that make the program very slow in execution and cumbersome to debug. Using recursion is an…
ContinueAdded by Mihai Pruna on January 5, 2014 at 4:00pm — No Comments
Using Netfabb, Meshlab, FreeCAD, Sumo and ParaView, I created some 3D Printable models, available here:
Added by Mihai Pruna on January 5, 2014 at 1:30pm — No Comments
On the page below I listed several tips of connecting CAD programs using freeware tools:
Added by Mihai Pruna on January 5, 2014 at 1:30pm — No Comments
This update to mesh(+) is a revision of the Volume Based Mesh and Modify categories which introduces list inputs for controlling vertex and face based variables on the input meshes.
- For Mesh Volume Based components all (d) and (t) values allow a list of variable to be passed which correspond to the vertex index of the input mesh. Single inputs can also be provided and lists of variables that are shorter than the vertex list will simply repeat the last value in the series for each…
ContinueAdded by David Mans on January 3, 2014 at 11:37pm — No Comments
Practicing the paneling tools pug in in grasshopper. Great tool, love the simplicity and the options.…
ContinueAdded by Iara Bachmann on January 1, 2014 at 7:30pm — No Comments
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