
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Rafael Gonçalves Morais
  • Male
  • Porto
  • Portugal
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Comment Wall (5 comments)

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At 10:11am on December 30, 2014, rhinograsshopper2014 said…

Saludos de ecuador porfavor brindame ayuda deseo desarrollar window 500lux ayudame con informacion explicacion desarrollo cualquier ayuda es bienvenida gracias


Greetings from Ecuador brindame please help develop desire window 500lux help me with information explanation developing any help is welcome thanks

At 11:01pm on January 8, 2014, gevo aelian said…

does anyone know the script of this im doing an architectural project and the skin system looks like this but i cant seem to figure out the script. Can anyone help please

At 2:38pm on January 8, 2014, Nuno Moreira said…
Este é o segundo e ... como podemos fazer?
2nd Exercise:
Produce a program in Grasshopper (GH) to parametrically represent a column composed of three parts: base, shaft, capital. Develop a simplified column model.
Imagem intercalada 1
1 Modeling a column in Rhinoceros software.
2 Identify potential parameters for the column.
3 Produce the program to generate columns.
4 Instantiating, a Rhinoceros file multiple copies of the column.
Items to be submitted:
All students must be delivered in a single *. Zip file resulting from
manual modeling a sketch with the identification of the possible parameters
column, the GH file, and a final file with several examples generated column.
At 2:37pm on January 8, 2014, Nuno Moreira said…

trata-se de um curso que estou fazer aqui no Luxemburgo, mas nao pesco nada disto:

1st Exercise:

Produce three programs in Grasshopper (GH) to represent parametrically three types of dome: a) Dome edges, b) Dome monoculars, c) vault pending (Byzantine). It is not necessary to consider stereotomy. Consider thicknesses.
First modeling each type of the dome Rhinoceros software.
Identify two possible parameters for each type of vault.
3 Producing the program to generate each type of vault.
4 Instantiating, a Rhinoceros file multiple copies of each type of vault.
Items to be submitted:
All students must be delivered in a single *. Zip file resulting from manual modeling a sketch identifying the possible parameters for each type of dome, GH files, and a final file with several examples of each type of dome generated.
Imagem intercalada 2
Achas que me podes ajudar?
tenho de entregar isto até 6a feira.
At 2:35pm on January 8, 2014, Nuno Moreira said…

Viva Rafael, 

Sei que nao me conheces mas necessito de uma ajuda... em Grasshopper e nao conheço ninguem que me ajude .... podes-me dar uma mao?

Nuno Moreira





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