Saludos de ecuador porfavor brindame ayuda deseo desarrollar window 500lux ayudame con informacion explicacion desarrollo cualquier ayuda es bienvenida gracias
Greetings from Ecuador brindame please help develop desire window 500lux help me with information explanation developing any help is welcome thanks
Hi Chen, You have some really cool stuff on here and your blog. I wonder about a couple things. Specifically I wonder about your flowing text along lines scripting for one. You have displayed what seems to be the source code to perform the text flow in one of the example screenshots itself. Is that source code (sorry for what may be a dumb question) rhinoscript? The second thing I wonder about is if you ever teach lecture or do discussion in Beijing.
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Saludos de ecuador porfavor brindame ayuda deseo desarrollar window 500lux ayudame con informacion explicacion desarrollo cualquier ayuda es bienvenida gracias
Greetings from Ecuador brindame please help develop desire window 500lux help me with information explanation developing any help is welcome thanks
Hi Chen, You have some really cool stuff on here and your blog. I wonder about a couple things. Specifically I wonder about your flowing text along lines scripting for one. You have displayed what seems to be the source code to perform the text flow in one of the example screenshots itself. Is that source code (sorry for what may be a dumb question) rhinoscript? The second thing I wonder about is if you ever teach lecture or do discussion in Beijing.