algorithmic modeling for Rhino
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The problem is that most of the work in the forum and in general is mostly architectual or so sophisticated that it's not real.
When I mean real I mean that we need, for example, not something that looks good as a concept or a prototype but something that is watertight, and usable as a finished product for real customers hungry for immediate delivery, and quite restricted by industry and design standards.
One thing is to Morph a brick pattern on a skyscraper wall and another is to layout a pave that looks full and balanced on challenging surfaces.
And what about azures in the back which need to be beautiful never mind mathematical.
Even things like Matrix have not freed the designer from the jewelry design protocols yet.
I hope GH will evolve in such a way to target the jewelry industry similarly to Rhino has it has done it with UDT.
Sorry for the long respond.
BTW: I felt the same as you about learning new things but after studying NLP and other mind technologies now I feel a real baby: I feel like a sponge.
Keep in touch and let see if we can make a GHJ group (GrasshooperJewelry).
Hi Jesse,
so you too have been around this chaotic industry.
I started with SoloidWorks but in the early 90's it had Serious limitations for freedom and surfaces.
JewelCAD saved me from the struggle and it was revolutionary at that time (3rails and then 4 rails and no naked edges whatsoever, and it could Boolean 1000 stones in less than 2 seconds!) I made my living and an office at Madison Avenue because of it and it is still not understood because of its simplicity and lack of sophisticated tools, but the power is all behind the veil.
Now I'm totally in Rhino due to its evolution and conformity in the industry and....GH of course.
Just after getting SolidThinking (an Italian monster used by Bulgary, Cartier, Nike etc.) I saw for the first time the components of Explicit History (GH original name) and I knew it was going to be the one.
So more money out of the window (or I should say "out of Windows XP")
I worked at the bench for almost 30 and this has been my way out and an adventure that is ever expanding.
I started with GH by making settings and connectors. Then Shanks, bands.
I used it for repetitive simple work while exploring what the advanced users were doing with it.
(I am running out of characters) next message.
Elegant website.
I remember when I was working in JewelCAD and SolidWorks, I had the need for ArtCam but I had to draw a line somewhere ($) in order to purchase a prototype machine... early 90's.
From ArtCam to Grasshooper... Do you feel more comfortable in Rhino by now or ArtCam is still your workhorse?