
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Huzefa Ali
  • Male
  • Karachi
  • Pakistan
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At 7:33am on April 26, 2012, Muhammad Usman Tariq said…

huzaifa thanks a lot...ive really not started using it yet..still confused about my project actually..i mean from where do i start?ive been collecting information and stuff but abi tak yahi ho raha hai...

At 9:53am on January 18, 2012, hassan.orion said…

salam, upload your thesis man

At 7:33pm on December 5, 2011, Brian Harms said…

Sorry man, I don't have time to dig through that whole thing. Good luck with your model though. If the photo of that model is what you are after you could always just model it manually. Use the contour command to get intersection lines in each direction, offset, close curves, find intersections, draw notches, etc... 

Would be quicker than waiting for a response I would bet.

At 5:23pm on December 1, 2011, Charles Aweida said…

Sure, give me your email and ill send it, do you need the arduino/processing code too?

At 1:01pm on October 26, 2011, Yoann Mescam (Systemiq) said…

I dont quite understand your question, you will have to give some drawings of what you intend to do.

There is an infinity of  tesselations with given surfaces, and they are not necessarily Voronoi.

At 3:31pm on October 24, 2011, Yoann Mescam (Systemiq) said…
At 8:05pm on October 23, 2011, Yoann Mescam (Systemiq) said…

Hello, about your question using Qhull:

First, Qhull needs the 8 corner points of a box bounding the points you want to voronoize (or it would have to calculate infinite objects, just like in 2D), just keep the components calculating these in Dimitrie's example definition.


If you want to intersect the voronoi with some brep, remove the first 8 surfaces, by example with a shift component, just like in

Tell me how it works.


At 2:19pm on October 20, 2011, Erick Katzenstein said…

Hi Huzefa,

The definition is a little disorganized.  What in particular are you looking for?  If you're trying to find a way to go back and forth with Ecotect, the sample GECO definitions are much more legible.

At 11:53am on October 19, 2011, hassan.orion said…

Ned karachi. final year yar. m in deep shit... ... making a school ... what u doing? u must be with khizr ishtiaq


At 11:39am on October 19, 2011, hassan.orion said…


 good to see people form our country taking interest. which uni and year are u in?





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