
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

The design of the Vessel chair is driven by the Voronoi tessellation pattern. The Grasshopper™ plugin for Rhinoceros is utilized in order to model the parametrically designed frame; The chair frame is constructed with one inch plywood, milled with 3axis CNC machine. The seat surface is created by extruding the edges of the structure cut-outs of the frame. The material is flexible polyester resin fiberglass.

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Comment by Francesco on June 21, 2012 at 6:22am


Comment by Mani Mani on August 26, 2010 at 4:08pm
Vineet, have you looked at 3D voronoi plugin for rhino:
there was a discussion on 3Dvoronoi in GH, look into it,
but as the structure goes, it really depends on your construction and materials.
Comment by Vineet Agarwal on August 26, 2010 at 3:21pm
aaaa.... now i relate to it....
thankx for the link...
myself with my colleague are working on similar thing....
we are trying to develop a chair based on voronoi pattern, what we did till now is we hav located points n XYZ dimensions but the pattern generated in 2d pattern.So now on what parameters we can develop a 3d configuration somewhat more than extrusion in one axis.
can u also tell, how did u locate the points on the side plane of the chair through the paramaters u have defined and how did u calculate the load and material aspect(for optimization, by physical models or ny software).
ur feedback will be greatly helpful n we will mail u our development as soon as we reach to something substantial...
Comment by Mani Mani on August 26, 2010 at 7:19am
Hey Vineet, Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Your comment is semi-valid, check the video attached to better understand the optimization process for this particular chair structure:
Sure you can use any geometry to optimize a structure, see what fit's your design ambitions better.
Comment by Vineet Agarwal on August 26, 2010 at 7:18am
if you can tell what were the criteria s of selecting the points to create a voronoi pattern on the side plane of the chair... it would be helpful in understanding why this pattern and hence justice to voronoi geometry
Comment by Vineet Agarwal on August 26, 2010 at 2:17am
hi, though the chair being interesting.. i think it lacks an understanding as far as voronoi pattern is concerned...
voronoi pattern is an optimum geometry and when u r using this i guess it would have been interesting to design a chair which has optimization in terms of form and material, hence as a whole, structural optimization.. thus exploiting the voronoi pattern...
now it is just extrusion on a 2d pattern, which is possible for any pattern(triangular, sqare, pentagonal, hexagonal, etc.)
Comment by Mani Mani on October 26, 2009 at 11:43am
the tricky part is keeping the extruded parts structural. fiberglass is one of the very few materials that has skin/structure in one.
Comment by txingyu on October 26, 2009 at 11:33am
Absolutely impressive! What if using textile/leather instead of fiberglass? It's true that you could apply different types of materials onto layers and it would be functional if appropriate combination.
Comment by Mani Mani on September 8, 2009 at 12:56pm
I like the idea of using transparent material, the only issue would be the structural integrity of the material but i guess with resin and fiber glass would be manageable.
The vessel chair is designed as an responsive mass-customized furniture. The structure works with 3 variables:
The users height, weight + a picture of them.
Based on this information the algorithm re-calculates the amount of structure needed for the height/weight ratio of the user and takes away the unnecessary material and changes the proportions to the most optimum dimensions. The users submitted picture,the third variable, is to be analysed for the colour selection of the chair. [this is the part I'm still developing] and the plan is to launch a websites that takes these three variables and produces the optimum chair!
take a look at the grasshopper screenshots that will give you a better idea, and i'll put together an animation to show what the script does.
Comment by Dmytro Lutsak on September 8, 2009 at 10:26am
It's beautiful! Interestingly, how it would look with using of a bit transparent fabric instead this red meterial. Maybe even you don't need to use every hole of voronoi, make it more random, I think. All the same I like it.





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