
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Single Script for different controlled city variations

Parameters include population, density, building type percentage, building height, road width,etc. of a city and the script will generate a city-like formation with the above specific parameters.

Views: 559


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Comment by Sherif El Adawy on December 30, 2017 at 6:34am

Hi Sir,

Can I have the scripting? It might help me a lot with my current work.  .. I want to make a relationship between building height (with its ducts openings) and width of streets.

I have a file AutoCAD for masterplan I want to add it to Grasshopper.I don't have file GIS, All I had is file dwg and analysis I did by Photoshop as (Existed Landuse, Heights, Street Width, .. etc).

What I know that import Autocad in Rihno but the progress to do in grasshopper, I have not enough information about it (I am not professional Grasshopper user ).And what to import in Rhino is the outline of masterplan not with the existed building .. This is what I know must be done.

I wish you can help me in this issue and thank you.



Comment by Mostapha Sadeghipour Roudsari on January 18, 2013 at 3:28pm

Hi Kenneth!

This is Pretty interesting... Do you have a more clear documentation on the thought process of this script?


Comment by Michelle on March 14, 2012 at 8:12am

Can i have the scripting? It might help me a lot with my current work.





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