
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Urban zoning using interactive area growth\filling
Grasshoper Kangaroo + GHowl

Every region tend to shrink/enlarge its area to correspond to the
area value set by user.

Views: 517


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Comment by Shkattii on September 1, 2015 at 5:52am

Hi Artyom, I'm want to do something very similar. Would you be able to share the definition with me? Thanks

Comment by Artyom Maxim on August 30, 2013 at 10:47am

Somehow figured out the speed problem. Now it works fast enough. Here's the video.

interactive area growth from Artyom Maxim on Vimeo.

Comment by Artyom Maxim on August 30, 2013 at 5:03am

Right now it only deals with the area filling. Relations and connectivity is definitely something worth working on.

I've also tried adding some rules for regions to take specific elevation heights, but the problem is it's just getting painfully slow to work with. (about a second or more per iteration)

I've noticed that Kangaroo seems to work a lot slower with higher model scales. Running simulation out of scale in a region around 1 sq.m was way faster than in scale on a terrain with area of 1

Does it make sense, or am I doing something wrong?

Comment by Luis Fraguada on August 29, 2013 at 12:31am

Very interesting.  I find myself using that looping technique sometimes.  Never thought that gHowl would be used that way!

Beyond the area parameters and such, do you take into account proximity of the different programs?  What is the relation in elevation?  Would be interesting to see a video. 

Thanks for sharing!

Comment by Artyom Maxim on August 28, 2013 at 2:35pm

Sure Luis,

this is a research for my university project. The goal is to create a space-filling system, using a predefined scheme(base shape) and area parameters for each element.

To achieve this, the user needs to create a feedback loop in a Kangaroo setup. As Grasshopper doesn't support recursive structures, the way around this would be to use GHowl to send data around via network protocols(i guess).

This way it becomes possible to measure the current state(area, distance, etc.) in a Kangaroo simulation, compare this data with the desired parameters and adjust acting forces, accordingly.

Hope this makes sense)

Comment by Luis Fraguada on August 28, 2013 at 1:06pm

Could you explain a bit more about this?  I'm curious!





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