
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Truncated cube structure made during workshops.

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Comment by lisa on August 8, 2016 at 7:36pm

Dear Kacper,

I'm very interested in your grasshopper components since I'm trying to understand your structure. Would it be possible to get the code of this truncated cube structure? Many thanks in advance!

Comment by Kacper Radziszewski on January 5, 2012 at 1:31pm

You're right. You can only connect em 1 by 1 in a row. If u want to connect 3 cells, where 2 cells are connected to adjoining sides, you will find it impossible.

It's works so, bcs these joining elements have different function, once they connect top and bottom corners, and than u need to bend em to use as corner elements in next cells. As more connections like this you try to obtain, more irregular this structure become. 

I solved it out to get complicated structure (not only row of truncated cubes). I have made "main cell" which is formed with 5 sides from common cell, and top and bottom sides get pentagon shape. It gave me possibility to connect cells to "main cell" with each other with smaller need of bending.

Comment by Mehmet Ali on December 30, 2011 at 3:15am

Once I have tried the same structure but it was not possible to maintain the geometry without bending the material or having larger slots than needed. It was not possible with a harder material to keep the form. Could you manage to find a solution? Did you use a 2 Axis cutter or used a more axis one?

Comment by Tanzir Ahmed on December 25, 2011 at 9:23pm
very nice!





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