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The Impact of Tour de France Femmes on Women's Cycling

With the increasing popularity of the Tour de France Femmes, I’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts on its impact on women's cycling. Do you think this event is encouraging more young women to take up cycling? What changes have you noticed in the sport since the introduction of this race? Let’s discuss how we can further promote women's cycling and support female athletes in their journeys!

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Comment by Robert Mullinsz 4 hours ago

It's exciting to see how the Tour de France Femmes has changed the landscape of women's cycling. The event provides a platform for female athletes to shine and gain recognition for their hard work. I’ve noticed a significant increase in interest and participation in women’s cycling since the introduction of this tour. The cycling race insights from these competitions reveal the unique challenges faced by women in the sport, but also the incredible camaraderie and support within the cycling community. It’s a pivotal moment that encourages more girls to get involved in cycling and strive for greatness.





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