
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Linking Excel API with ROBOT API using VB.NET to facilitate form finding of MULTIPLE hanging chains. With care, the engineering platform ROBOT can be used to facilitate the form-finding of multiple shapes. Inverting the form will theoretically give the optimum shape for a purely compressive action. By varying the catenary profile lengths in Excel we can arrive at an infinite range of possible shapes. There is no explicit mathematical solution for multiple hanging chains. Geometric non linear solutions are needed or physical models a la Gaudi.

Robot has a geometric non-linear solver. Typically for a linear analysis the stiffness matrix is not updated when the geometry changes. For typical rigid structures this assumption is fine. Obviously for chains, tensile structures, soap films this is not the case. Furthermore, we have to find the shape that is in a static equilibrium - we can’t simply dictate the shape of a soap film tensile structure for instance.

So basically robot updates the matrix as the geometry changes. It still uses a stiffness matrix approach hence can be very unstable and you have to "nudge" teh model along by not applying too much load at once. I basically start with a network of flat chains at the start of the analysis. Their connectivity, geometry of end points, final hung lengths and other attributes are defined in excel. Hence we can quickly vary the hung length to get a new profile. I then apply a nominal vertical load on each chain of the network to "nudge" it to start the analysis process of finding the stable equilibrium shape of all chains. We then invert teh chains and rotate to get the inverted cupola form.

Unfortunately a stiffness matrix approach is not the best or most stable solution for geometrically non-linear structures. The best approach is to use Dynamic Relaxation - see my images where I form-found the shape of a soap film from an initially flat shape.

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Comment by Mania Aghaei Meibodi on August 29, 2012 at 9:03am

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Comment by Steve Lewis on June 17, 2011 at 12:36pm

Hi Frank


Yep Ive seen the Stuttgart Example and spent time at the IL several years ago. Its such an inspiring place!


Yes physical modelling is still a very valid proof of any numerical solution for form-finding, a lot of the minimal form-found solutions claimed are not in fact correct.


What form-finding studies are you currently exploring in Grasshopper?



Comment by Steve Lewis on January 31, 2011 at 12:31pm

Im hoping to try it out when I get a chance. The problem with the catenary component currently in GH is that it cannot solve the form-found shape for the case when one catanry is connected to another catenary. It is a geometrically non-lienar problem and requires iterative methods of analysis.


The best bet woudl be to look at Daniel Pikers Kangaroo plug in. That should work. I havent tested it yet. Let me know how you get on.


Comment by Mufasa O`Reilly on January 14, 2011 at 9:34am
hi, great work, i`m wondering is it possible to solve a complex of multiple strings like this in grasshopper with a mathematical formula ?




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