
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

New Component for StructDrawRhino to generate false color mesh from values. Example at

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Comment by Jon Mirtschin on September 9, 2011 at 12:35am

Hi Will,  I added the domain input for spectrum nomination, and showed how you can control the distribution in a revised sample  , you need to update the plugin ( ) and the updated example model on the blog post, 


I welcome other ideas and suggestions.

Comment by Will Krzymowski on September 6, 2011 at 2:27pm

I am not comfortable with scripting, although i'm feeling a need to break the ice with that.


Is there any way to accept data from the "gradient" component?


Depending on the application, it would be nice to control the intensity of transition between colors, and the types of colors. Essentially, it would be best to be able to control because different situations merit different types of feedback.

Thanks for the quick feedback, this has been a huge help.

Comment by Jon Mirtschin on September 6, 2011 at 1:10pm

I haven't seen this in native Grasshopper (not to say I didn't miss it).

If you're comfortable with scripting (or prepared to learn) it's not difficult to set mesh vertex colors, I've uploaded an example here:  


Are you wanting to use a part band of the spectrum (ie blue to green?)  I could add a domain input that can narrow it.  If wish to use a different distribution (or adjacency of colors), feel free to also send details and I can consider adding it to SDR.


Cheers,  Jon

Comment by Will Krzymowski on September 6, 2011 at 12:57pm

brilliant. thank you so much! I'll work on a video in the future to show you how I used this.


Could you implement anyway of modifying the colors?


I haven't played with custom previews of meshes, is there no way of creating this type of preview with native grasshopper components?

Comment by Jon Mirtschin on September 6, 2011 at 12:27pm

Is it 64 bit v5?


I recently added to the installer to register the plugin for v5 32 bit (so I'm interested to hear if it's not working there).  I haven't found a way for a single installer to write to 32 and 64 bit registry keys.


If you locate the SSI folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Rhinoceros 4.0\Plug-ins\SSI and drag and drop the .rhp file over Rhino v5 it will load fine from the same location as v4 (and you shouldn't need to do this again).


Let me know if it helps or not.

Comment by Will Krzymowski on September 6, 2011 at 12:16pm

So, i got it to work in v.4, but not in v.5. Do I just copy and past the SSI folder into the same directory in v.5?

This was my error on the component

1. Solution exception:Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Comment by Jon Mirtschin on September 6, 2011 at 11:32am

It looks like the correct assembly did not make it into the installer this morning, I just updated it.

StructDrawRhino from


Let me know if you still have problems.

Comment by Will Krzymowski on September 6, 2011 at 11:12am

This is exactly what I was looking for yesterday. So happy you developed this. Unfortunately, I opened it in Rhino v4 w/ 0.8.00051 and it didn't work. The component gave me this error


1. Solution exception:Method not found: 'Rhino.Geometry.Mesh GGL.SDR.SdrGH.falseColorMesh(Rhino.Geometry.Mesh, System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Double>, Boolean)'.


What do you think?





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