
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

bone structure

Views: 345

Albums: Dominicus


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Comment by maurice on June 2, 2011 at 12:30pm



you have got some really nice pictures there!

I also used swarming/flocking in maya and would be nice if its possible in grasshopper.

Comment by Archieboy on June 2, 2011 at 12:21pm

try processing with toxiclibs. Let the swarm fly! I've done some work and then develop further while I was following Roland Snooks for graduate study.

my swarm research

Comment by Endergong on June 2, 2011 at 11:59am
Nice work!But How can I get get the  GH file?
Comment by maurice on June 2, 2011 at 5:57am

You can use several techniques to get this result. 1. use slices with holes, like a CT-scan slice but keep it simple. Then use a marching cubes algorithm to connect the holes or surroundig area. You can use matlab/mathematica/toxiclips. 2. generate random points in a polysurface [box], use the voronoi algorithm, but scale down all the polyhedra from the areacentroid. I used a script for the last step; to find all the surfaces which are anti-parallel and have the same surface area (if more possibilities, choose the one whith the shortest distance). Use a surfaceborder for generating a curve around the surface and loft the curves together (with a taper in the middle), delete the selected surfaces. Join all the surfaces together, convert it to a mesh and use a subdivision algorithm (weaverbird), you can also use the plugins of Jon to get a tensile structure or minimal surface.


I also tried to make it in processing and thats possible with some libraries!


Comment by jellyhua on June 2, 2011 at 5:41am
hello mDOMINICUS, the only techniques I have to got this shape is handwork with maya, but obviously you got some combination between gh and tspline. what's the basic principle of you to get the orginal box-like shapes before you tspline it?





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