
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

The frame's geometry is created by entering the hard point co-ordinates, the tubes profiles are then chosen, either square, ellipse or polygons, the curvature of the tube is also editable. The objects are then baked and a little bit of processing to convert to T-splines is required.

Views: 511

Albums: LWD Organic


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Comment by Liam Woolley on January 24, 2012 at 3:08am

Sorry about the delayed reply. In my experience polygons give the nicest conversion, you have much more control and a nicer base to get creative with in t-splines. Joining the tube profiles together to get the smooth junction would also be difficult with out polygons, you need the same amount of edges to weld them together. Hope this puts more sense to it.... 

Comment by djordje on October 7, 2011 at 1:28pm

Thank you for the reply Liam.

I took a look at your video.

But I still do not understand, why do you need to edit it with T-splines when profiles are made of polygons, and why you do not need to edit it with T-splines, when profiles are made of ellipses and rectangles?

Comment by Liam Woolley on September 14, 2011 at 3:28am
Cheers :) That simple, if it is made with ellipses and rectangles its just a case of baking then adding thickness's and trim and you have a frame! If made with polygons they are then converted to T-splines, i found out how much the polygon shrunk in the t-splines conversion and scaled them by that factor in grasshopper, so the radius you enter in grasshopper is correct. This Video shows the process of conversion
Comment by djordje on September 14, 2011 at 2:56am

Love it Liam! Fantastic work.


So basically what you get from your Grasshopper definition after baking, is a bicycle frame in all its intersections looks like the first example on this image, right?


Then you bake it, and modify all the intersections in T-splines, so that it looks like the third example on this image?





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