
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

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Comment by Milan Domkář on September 11, 2011 at 1:44pm


well I think you can't boolean solid surface because you have good open cones. Those cones are opened because of projection onto surface so the circle isn't planar.  I would move and orient those circles instead of projection and offset them little bit out from the surface to prevent boolean fail.  Solid to solid boolean operation should work.  In my case I trimmed holes in rhino because booleaning at that time was tricky and there wasn't time to make smarter gh solution ;-)

Comment by Roland D. Sandoval on September 11, 2011 at 1:25pm

Hello Milan,


I wander if you can help me out a little bit, since the geometry I am working on is very similar to what you show in this pic. I have a bunch of circles with varying in radii, projected onto a surface, (I couldn't even trim or split this circles from the surface, as a first try) this surface has a thickness (then, is a closed polysurface) So, I want to create "tappered" holes in it. In order to achieve this, I am extruding those circles to a point and I get some open "cones", and is right there where I cannot make a solid difference or any other method that allows me to do the boolean operations.


I really appreciate if you can give me a clue about how you did it.



Comment by Milan Domkář on May 28, 2010 at 11:38pm
Hi Thomas,
in this case I have used imagesampler - it is much more flexible to make it work. Using attractor is complicated, because you need more than less attractors.
Idea of randomizing could be very interesting!
Comment by thomas untersweg on May 28, 2010 at 10:51pm
hey milan,
really nice work!!
i'm just sitting in front of a similar problem!!!
could you maybe just tell me how you used the randomize command?
the size with attractors??
thanx a lot... if you want you also could mail it ;)
Comment by Tanzir Ahmed on April 12, 2010 at 10:34pm





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