
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Grasshopper preview, no baking, no rendering

Views: 1471

Albums: Acid Trip


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Comment by Ángel Linares on April 11, 2013 at 3:01pm

LOL! AMAZING discovering! Rendering with GH!!! It's not a very fast approach but is interesting to make experiments.

Comment by Vicente Soler on April 11, 2013 at 9:02am

For each vertex generate a bunch of random rays that shoot from it and go towards a random direction that can't be greater than 90 degrees to the vertex normal (creating a hemisphere).

The percentage of these rays that intersect any other geometry is the occluded value for that vertex. You can also add a distance limitation (if the distance to the intersection is greater than x then it's as if there was no intersection).


If you are working on a subdiv mesh, to speed things up, instead of calculating the AO on the vertices of the final mesh subdivision (say 3 subdivs), first subdivide it once, bake the AO on it, then subdivide it twice. You can also use the blur mesh component from weaverbird. It might even look better since it smooth things out (like using a biased rendering method).

Comment by Artyom Maxim on April 11, 2013 at 8:44am
AO! Nice) but how exactly are the rays generated?
Comment by Vicente Soler on April 11, 2013 at 8:37am

To add more depth can also bake ambient occlusion into the mesh vertices by making a ton of random mesh-ray intersections:

Comment by Nick Tyrer on April 10, 2013 at 10:38am

Ok i made some time to play with it, its fun. Never really properly considered utilising the preview options of gh geometries. I can see this technique being used to make some fantastic animations.

Muscle 006:

Comment by Nick Tyrer on April 10, 2013 at 6:31am

Pretty neat solution, I gave up after trying to use the material diffuse/emissive settings you suggested. I've got a few deadlines coming up but i will have a go when i have some time

Comment by Artyom Maxim on April 10, 2013 at 4:30am

Thx, finally decided to play a bit with that skeletal mesh definition)

Here are two parts, one for distance fading and the other for the "fresnel" effect.

Comment by Nick Tyrer on April 10, 2013 at 4:03am

dude that is sweet! So what pipeline did you end up using? was it what you explained in previous comment?

Comment by Artyom Maxim on April 10, 2013 at 3:31am

Comment by Artyom Maxim on March 3, 2013 at 4:57pm
Yep, you just have to remap the distance from each vertex to the camera and feed it into gradient component.
However when i tried this approach on those spheres, it worked impossibly slowly...





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