
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

... modeling surfaces depending on the audio output frequency of each channel of your favorite songs ...
VVVV -> GH (via gHowl)
Any requests??

Views: 745


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Comment by DamienHarris on June 22, 2023 at 12:43am

I looked at it very carefully and realized that it would be difficult for me to understand this software. I am an ordinary guy and my requests are not so great. I don't need super clean sound and I don't plan on editing or anything like that. If you think about it, my maximum is to use Mp3 Indir Dur. This site has a large library of ready-made songs in mp3. It is not only songs, but some other audio format materials. Everything is in the lookup table.

Comment by Juanma Sarrió on November 29, 2011 at 2:27pm

Hi Danilo!


It's easy connect GH + Ableton... only you need is gHwol (OSC).

I've done some testing also connecting Resolume + GH + Ableton.
It would be great to draw on GH from a MIDI controller!!





Comment by danilo on November 29, 2011 at 8:41am

Wow Juanma...i was thinking to investigate this topic i'm a music producer and i'd love to connect GH to ableton...and midi code..any suggestion's about it?

Comment by Juanma Sarrió on October 1, 2011 at 2:27pm

Hola Omar,


Si no puedes escuchar las canciones que enlazas desde VVVV, prueba a enlazar sólo canciones en .mp3, ya que tiene toda la pinta que el problema es por incompatibilidad de formatos.

Pasa algo similar con el tema de videos... VVVV no acepta video en formato .mov.


Si sigue dándote problemas, cuelga el patch de VVVV o una captura de pantalla a ver si podemos arreglarlo, ok???


Un saludo,



Comment by Omar G. Muñoz on September 30, 2011 at 12:31am

Hi Juanma,


Estoy muy interesado en aprender como conectar vvvv y grasshopper, estoy aprendiendo del codigo que viene en los ejemplos de ghowl pero no logro escuchar las canciones que pongo en vvvv. Sabes como hacerlo?




Comment by m.english on September 26, 2011 at 6:58pm

thanks for the help used values from fft to sweep radii

Comment by Juanma Sarrió on September 14, 2011 at 2:13pm

Thanks m.english!

If you want to analyze this example, you can find GH definition and VVVV patch in the new gHwol' release.

If your tinkering this example, upload a video or screenshot, please!


Comment by m.english on September 14, 2011 at 11:44am

Very nice work,

I'm doing something similar with pulling audio files from movie scenes and mapping the conversations in rhino via grasshopper-controlling the radius of a sweep command-(like I set up a vvvv file that runs through my microphone and into grasshopper, but would rather (need to) run the .wav file into vvvv.

Was wondering if you could share your vvvv file or explain how you are getting values from your audio file?

Puedo traducir a español. Si es más fácil para usted.




Comment by Juanma Sarrió on July 9, 2011 at 6:09am
Guido -> Points that are on the Y axis have a Z height result of a weighted FFT of the left channel audio of the song. And the points are offset a certain value of Y axis have a Z height result of the FFT but the right channel.

Ángel -> Connect your example with the new version of gHwol. Try lowering the number of slices (values) that you send to GH and you'll see as the refresh buffer
Comment by Ángel Linares on July 9, 2011 at 1:09am

I have a quite similar VVVV definition what I make a year ago that makes the same in real time. The problem was that the buffer gets stuck at 3 o 4 seconds running (GH side problem).


Perhaps, now, with new versions goes better. I'm going to try.





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