
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

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Comment by Sebastian Gatz on March 7, 2017 at 4:47am

Hi Saeed,

basically it is a three-dimensional cellular automata which "grew" around a 3d point cloud scan of a forest to create spatial voids. The "walls" for the spaces where created by translating each horizontal layer of the ca into images, those into wave files, then - after sound manipulation - back into images and back into voxels. For the two different voids I applied different combinations of sound manipulation (like echos, reverbs...) to create different thicknesses. For the color I used a similar process. Check out the other images, which are related to the project.

This explains a related process in more detail:

This shows a video of a ca-growth around a tree:

Comment by Saeed Abbasi on March 7, 2017 at 2:26am


can you explain about your project?

thank you





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